Thursday, 27 December 2012

Why Men Are Dicks.

“It’s probably not just by chance that I’m alone. It would be very hard for a man to live with me, unless he’s terribly strong. And if he’s stronger than I, I’m the one who can’t live with him. … I’m neither smart nor stupid, but I don’t think I’m a run-of-the-mill person. I’ve been in business without being a businesswoman; I’ve loved without being a woman made only for love. The two men I’ve loved, I think, will remember me, on earth or in heaven, because men always remember a woman who caused them concern and uneasiness. I’ve done my best, in regard to people and to life, without precepts, but with a taste for justice.”
Coco Chanel

There have been several mind boggling incidents lately between my lady friends that have made me shake my head at the insensitive nature of the opposite sex.  It has made me really explore my relationships with men and calculate that there are three ways in which you can decipher if the men in your life are jerks, based on the way in which men own these tendencies.  We all have the capability to be jerks, but it is how we relate to this feature that depicts how we will treat others.  Let me explain, if a man claims he is always an ass, than he is.  A perfect example of this mentality happened to Ms. J recently, Mr. D who she had an argument with after he called her the C word (you may remember from a previous blog) and he had this explanation for her.  “Well I am just an asshole, it is just the way I am” If a man ever give you this reason, run away as fast as you can.  He has given himself a green card on being a complete jerk to you.  He is out right telling you that he is accepted he is a person who is awful and you will too.  In this scenario there is nothing to be surprised about, some women, myself included have spent years dating Mr.D because they like his confidence, or they like his attitude, it is a truly baffling phenomena but it happens.[ii]  Women love jerks.” This is the type of man that when spoken about, your girlfriends tell you, “Grrrrrl what you doing with him!’  But you still find yourself wanting him despite what your girlfriends tell you. “[iii]  The good news is, and perhaps the only good news when involved with men like this, is that in this scenario you will not be blindsided by the fact that he cheats on you, or when he calls you fat.  Mentally you are prepared to take a confidence beating with these men in your life. 

The second type of man is in my personal opinion the best.   They are typically a well rounded, happy and nice person to all people, but they do not let people walk over them.  They are not afraid of confrontation because they do not have to prove they are a nice guy all the time. They have the ability to stand up for themselves, for what they believe in, and they are not in denial of their ability to be a bit of jerk sometimes.  They will say things about themselves such as “I have the ability to play the role” “Sometimes I am a such a jerk to Joe, Bob, Bill, etc. usually a lifelong friend” they are confident enough in themselves to own their personality flaws, and the great part is they are not blaming anyone else for these flaws.  They are saying that is part of who I am, it may not make them proud but at least they know somewhere deep inside their great personality stomps around a little jerk that gets out from time to time.  These men are men who you should cherish in your life, they are hard to find.

 The third type of man is the most dangerous!  They are men who claim they are the nicest guy. They say such things as “All guys are such douche bags but not me” (Mr. X’s infamous line) the problem in statements like this is that: “the key to successful bragging without coming off as a jerk is to avoid comparative bragging. When you say “I’m the smartest person in the room”, or “I’m the best that’s ever been,” you’re insulting people”[v] Thus not only does this man think that he is better than all other men out there he also thinks that he is the least douchey in all the land. Also, be weary if he clings to statements such as “I am ALWAYS a laid back guy” If a man ever claims he is nothing but sunshine, lollypops and rainbows he is in denial of his abilities to be cruel and that makes him in a position of ease to convince you of the same thing.  All men have a little jerk in them.[vi]  A man who always claims to be  a nice guy who is laid back will also not stand up for themselves and will NEVER stand up for you, these men are cowards, they do anything to AVOID CONFRONTATION they have no ability to tactfully deal with pressure situations and will not ever make your opinion feel valued as they cannot even honor their own, they will however trash talk everyone they come in contact with until they are blue in the face because they are irritated and unable to properly express themselves.[vii]  It is this third type of man that will hurt you the worst because these men will win over your trust, you think “Sigh, finally a nice guy” You become overly trusting and content in his lie but then one day at a cocktail party you see him cop a feel on your best friend, when you ask him about it he says this “Oh I have to hit on your friends so they feel good about themselves because they do not get attention from men” or you are at a party and you hear him call every girl in the room gorgeous which is something you were foolish enough to think was reserved just for you, but of course he has the same confident explanation for that too, all his actions benefit others, even when he trash talks his own friends you think he is doing it to spare their feelings.[viii] What he does not realize is “An air of humor and humility is important as well; it’s one thing to be proud of something, but another entirely to think that being good at something makes you inherently better on the whole. It’s good that you’re at the top of the leader boards on Trials HD, but carrying the attitude that everyone else should prostrate themselves before you is unattractive. A little head-nod towards humility - “I don’t mean to brag, but I’m actually really good at this…” – goes a long way towards defusing an instinctive mistrust towards bragging. Treating your bragging rights as something amusing rather than something that demands acknowledgement makes it easier for others to take – especially if it’s something that might otherwise make you seem obnoxious”[ix]  In context this type of man will think that because he is such a great guy that everything he does is a great feat even if it offends or has the potential to offend others.

But, it was this pivotal event that opened my eyes to this third type of man, the wolf in sheep’s clothing:  after building a life together he breaks up with you via text, giving you 7 days to move out, while dating a girl from Small Town Nowhere that you introduced him, while he is saying things such as “I hope you hit rock bottom” “I understand now how your last boyfriend abused you” and my personal favorite “I have to treat you so mean so you get it” It is right around this point (in case you could not figure this mystery out this is how things ended with Mr. X) that you realize you have been conned by the biggest Douchbag of all. Men that claim they will never treat you poorly and pretend they are always acting in your best interest are the ones that you should be the most cautious of because they will completely blind side you when you least expect it.   Also, you should follow your instincts, you are completely capable of acting in your own best interest without this man guiding you.  These men promise you the moon and stars for ever and say they would never ever hurt you and you being in love believe this deceit. In the infamous words of Bob Marley ““The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”   I am here to warn you that this type of man has the ability to destroy your confidence and is NOT worth suffering for.  These men typically also blame you for their actions of cruelty, prior to Mr. X  there was Mr. AA (I call him this because he was the following Abusive, Addictive, Arrogant etc.) through my years with Mr. AA I developed a personality where I began to feel other s actions were because of my flaws. This attitude is a by-product of the abusive cycle.[x]  I actually thought that if I was just a better person or treated people differently that I could fix all my relationships.  While I took six months off dating between Mr. AA and Mr. X because I knew I had to work on myself it was not enough time to recognize this psychological trend and heal it. 

Thus because I full on believed Mr. X was the wonderful person he claimed to be I blamed myself for every flaw in our relationship. I should of course own my words during my last break up, I did say bold things out of the hurt of my broken heart, I was Pandora’s Box of crazy things but they were just words.  I did not do anything nor would I ever do anything to harm anyone.  Now I look back at my words and laugh but in order to do so I had an epiphany and it was this “I am not to blame for how someone else treats me.  I am responsible for how I treat others and that is it” It is in the mind frame I realized that I was not controlling how others were treating me, they are in complete control of that.  What a relief!   While I said some hurtful things how those words were perceived and dealt with, or rather not ever dealt with, was NOT my doing.  It is also important to note that those words were from a wide array of emotions that I experienced during a painful time, one moment you miss someone and want them back, the next you lash out because they hurt you[xii], and in hind sight the messages I sent are humiliating.  This may also help you readers, there will be a time when you look back at your compromise texting or voicemails  (Compromise is the term used in “Better Love” to describe the phase of your break up, it literally means you throw yourself under the bus trying to compromise in order to keep you ex) and you will think that is not who I am now. I actually offered to commute from Vancouver to Courtenay (A four hour commute one way including a ferry) so that I could have a good career and maintain our property.  Ludicrous! Insane ideas seem so plausible when your heart is oozing from the break.   However, now with the break mended these notions seem totally bonkers! You will one day look back on what you deemed romantic and “win back worthy” and think “Wow, I was an insane person” but insane or not how your ex or your current love interest treats you is still not all your fault.  

However, with this in mind I still wanted to know, why when men are jerks and in particular why when the person they are being awful to tries to be nice do they seem to get even worse and not better?  The answer fascinated me, GUILT.[xiii]   It would appear, and IN PARTICULAR in cases where men actually believe they are nothing but sugar and spice and everything nice, that when they act out in anger and their little jerk comes out because they are overwhelmed by SHAME.[xiv]   They are embarrassed that they are capable of being so cruel to another human being, because while you were believing they were never going to be a douche so did they. They do not want to deal with the fact that they have hurt you.  They are ashamed; they feel guilt and women being women we want to talk about it.  That is actually exactly what men in this state do not want at all.[xv]  It is easier for them to blame you completely than accept that they are capable of being complete jerks. This can also be understood in the concepts of the Narcissist and Codependent.[xvi]   In fact the nicer you are to them in trying to understand their actions the meaner men are because they feel even more guilt.  They increasingly become crueler because they just want to get away from the entire situation and in particular the person they blame for it.[xvii] They also feel this way because instead of being a man who can be proud of his actions he is being a coward and he just cannot handle being emasculated.  There is something important to know in this situation, you are not the reason they feel guilty, they are.  They are guilty and ashamed of their own actions, the way they reacted and who knows if they should be or not but the important thing is how each individual acts is their own doing.  An interesting study was performed to identify individual strengths and weaknesses the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) and it found that each individual is different.[xviii]  Every individual deals with stress and relationships differently.[xix] You absolutely must not mope around thinking you made someone treat you a certain way, nothing is further from the truth! But, you must also own your own actions in this sense, if you do something awful to someone, it is your fault, you did it, it does not matter what that person did to you it does not justify it.  Two wrongs do not make a right!  Once you realize this about yourself and others you may feel a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders, but you may also feel guilty if you think that you have treated someone poorly without cause.

As for Mr. Elevator, I took a few days off of talking to him while doing my soul searching on this one. 
Not that I just abandoned communication I nicely told him we would chat on the weekend and he agreed that sounded good and then I went to work on myself and this blog, unbeknownst to him.  Admitting how others have treated you and how you have treated others can be a very hard thing to do.  It can also bring up some issues you should deal with on your own. I strongly believe when you start a new relationship it should be exactly that, new.  I am not going to drag the negativity of my past relationships into my new ones and neither should anyone.  Everything is fresh and exciting when you start dating.  It is great! It is futile to taint the future with the stains of the past.  While the past holds great examples for this blog and awesome paths to self actualization there is no excuse for trash talking your ex to your new love interest it is just cheap.  There was a moment the last time a slept over at Mr. Elevator’s apartment (Oooooohhhhhhh – movie sound effects here insinuating sexy times were had of course) The moment was waking up cuddled up in his comfortable bed with his twelve year old cat Eddie cuddled up too and it felt so nice.  There was no doubt, no confusion, no past hostility, there was only that exact moment, and it was flawless.  What happened about 5 minutes after that moment was flawless too but we will keep that under wraps for now.  Those beautiful moments where you feel happy and accepted are what make trying new relationships work.  I personally hope that Mr. Elevator is the second kind of jerk; I can handle that type of jerk.   We discussed this topic lightly just the three types of jerks nothing more, nothing less and he said that he identified with type two the most, which indicates that he does not claim to be a great guy all the time, also when doing so he did not compare himself to other or put anyone down, what another relief!  I would like to take a moment to give props to Mr. Elevator that our last date consisted of him making dinner for me at his place and it was really great.  He made stuffed pork tenderloin, twice baked potatoes, asparagus, French bread, and a nice green salad.  He told me he got advice from a friend of his that was a chef, mad props for thoughtfulness and it was really delicious! I have never had a date that put so much thought, individuality and preparation into a quite dinner at his place. The truth be told I have no idea what the future will hold and it is the most amazing and exciting feeling.  There is no certainty with Mr. Elevator and I, there is no commitment of a house, or any other obligations, there is only enjoying each other’s company for the sheer fact of just that enjoying each other’s company.  I can only keep optimistic for the New Year that things carry on smoothly as they are. After all he did tell me it was hard to meet girls in the city in a conversation about meeting new people and I am pretty great so the odds are in my favour.  Thanks for reading all! Hope you had a merry little holiday. XO


P.S If you have read this article and identify yourself as a douche please feel free to read this link and improve upon your disorder:


-          What kind of jerk is your current love interest or previous love interest and why??

-          This question will be evaluated by a panel of five lovely ladies and put to the vote! Thanks for your participation! The prizes will vary from gift cards to books and also may win you a request to be a guest blogger if you are interested!

-          PLEASE EMAIL YOUR RESPONSE TO all entries to be submitted by January 2nd 2013

[ii] “Why Women Date Jerk’s & Assholes Instead of Nice Guys” Drew Gerald The Polyman Jan 12/2012
[v] “The Truth Behind Why Men Are Assholes” Elite Daily Dec 27th 2011
[vi] Ibid.
[viii] “Why Women Date Guys Who Pretend to be Nice” Josh Bernard Digital Journal June 6th 2012
[ix] Ibid.
[x] “Why Men Have to Lie to Women” Matthew Fitzgerald Ask Men
[xii] “Why Men Frighten Women and Women Shame Men and How It Destroys Relationships” Jed Diamond Ph D
[xiii] Ibid.
[xiv] “What’s Shame Doing to Our Men?” Wayne M Levine Better Men
[xv] “Shame: The Quintessential Emotion” Holly Vansocy Ph D Psych Central
[xvii] “Oh The Guilt! Why You Blame Yourself For Everything When You’re Depressed” Alice G Walcon Forbes
[xviii] “Why Women Blame Ourselves When Dates Go Bad?” Maura Kelly Marie Claire April 13/2011
[xix] “Why Do Stressor Affect People Differenly” Elizabeth Scott M.S Sepember 29th 2012

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

To Date or Not to Date or really to even know if you are on a date or dating.....

"That woman was sexy…Out of your league? Son. Let women figure out why they won't screw you, don't do it for them."

-          Shit My Dad Says


Reflecting on the conclusion of last week’s blog about Mr. Netherlands I came to pondering when exactly you know you are on a date.  He asked me when we were out for dinner, half way through our meal if we were on a date, I have to be honest I was wondering the same thing. How does one know when they are officially being asked out on a date or if there is just networking going on? “One-on-one outings with an attractive person can be confusing. If it wasn’t explicitly labeled as a “date,” an invitation to a dinner/movie/hike (hike?) might mean anything from “he thinks you’re marriage material” to “he sees you as a networking opportunity” to “he has no other friends.” [i] In searching through endless articles on this subject there seem to be some standards that the majority of literature can agree on they are:  You make plans in advance and you put effort into those plans, on the outing you will know if there are compliments exchanged, he pays and he touches you. One of the standards is also that you are both single but I would have to say, including myself, there a lot of women who have unbeknownst to them, been out on a date with a married man before so while in an ideal world married people would not have dates with anyone but their partners it is not reality.  Also there is some controversy about payment, when I asked my coworkers in our lunch room who should pay on a first date the following scene ensued:  My female Co-worker, we will label her Ms. L said “I offer to pay if I am not interested in the guy” To which my male co-worker we will label him Mr. O said “Really?” Then it turned out that Mr. O had recently had a date with a woman who paid who Ms.  L knew very well and his date paid so he asked her if she thought that was why things had not panned out between them to which Ms. L answered honestly that she did think that woman was not interested in him.  Then in walked Mr. B and he said (In his thick Scottish accent)  “If you ask someone out then you should pay, it is whoever does the asking that does the paying” There were all kinds of comments from all three and when asked I flat out said “Look if a man asks me out and he wants a second date than he should pay for the first and we will go from there”   This small social study did not help clarify a unifying dating standard as you can see.

There is also the pressure associated with when a man pays; “If he asked you out and picked the restaurant… is he planning on paying? You wouldn’t have picked such a pricey, bloated place. If he tells you to order whatever you want, he’s not only planning on paying, he’s going to be HAPPY about it. And if he truly doesn’t mind paying for your meal, he’s probably hoping to get some.[ii] Let me clear the air, if someone buys me dinner that surely does not buy them a one way ticket to paradise, there are special companies where women will have sex with you for money so such a mentality is no longer warranted.  However, this said with the modern woman being sexual empowered, not to mention basically a sexual predator at thirty I would be more concerned for the men out there on dates with thirty something year old women when the woman pays.  With all the confusion about payment and classification of what creates a date the best plan of action is to get clarity before the event.  But, is it egomaniacal to ask previously to the outing what the expectations are?   No I do not think that all men that ask me to go out are interested in me romantically, in fact I am often not even sure if the man that I am dating at the time is actually interested me most of the time, so I would hope that it would not come across as cocky to ask.

 Clarity is needed, if you have plans with a person who you are romantically interested in just ask, and you can do so in a witty charming manner.  I once went on a date with a strange and very awkward man from Small Town Nowhere and he said “Alright, I am calling this a date just for you to know” there it is, in the once exclamation I knew where he stood.  So when in doubt, ask, however I would not ask if he is going to pay.  Ms. J was telling me about a girl that was on Plenty of Fish and was on a date with a man and told him that she was performing a social experiment to see if she could have 365 dates and not pay for dinner an entire year, in turn he made her pay.  Asking if a man is going to pay for your date can seriously back fire so never ask or assume such things.   Lastly there is the controversial topic of the hook up, the touch, the kiss, etc.  What physical connection does there have to be at the end of the night to be ranked a date?  It seems to be general advice to test the waters first: “In the physical realm, there’s always the “does she recoil in repulsion?’ factor. If you brush her arm and she doesn’t pull away or play dead, you’re probably gonna make babies”[iv]  So you test the water with the touch factor and if the water is warm you decide you may as well try to swim.  But, does having sex on the first date make you a one night stand, trashy or second date worthy? So off I went researching away this age old question again only to find that this answer is echoed time and time again: “Yes, a relationship can come from something that started with sex on the first date.

There are some guys who will never date a girl that sleeps with them on the first date out of principle, but the surprising reality is that that’s only a small percentage of men who are that are that rigid. For the majority of guys, what really counts (and what they’ll reflect on) is the way in which the sex happened. That’s the real issue.”[v]   Basically my advice to you would be to do what you want to do; at least in the end you will have that satisfaction if nothing else.

To complicate matters further I asked my dear friend Mr. Suit when he officially thinks that he has graduated from a few dates to full on dating.  His answer was basically that if he is fooling around with someone for a month than he would consider them dating, but that he really does not count anything under a week as dating.  Then he asked me and I said We must be hanging out on average twice a week, texting between hang outs for three months before I would say it is official.  He looked surprised and asked why and I informed him because by three months you have had your first disagreement, you have had enough time to really get to know him and that is around the time you should introduce him to your friends.  I was actually shocked when I looked up this concept!! Did you actually know that complete strangers consider themselves dating after only four dates?!?[vi]  It is so bizarre to me because that is how many dates Mr. Elevator and I have been on thus far and while I may not be going on dates with anyone but Mr. Elevator I certainly would not classify us as dating at this point in time. Four dates is hardly enough time to get to know someone at all, it seems very rushed in my opinion.  In fact it is typically held that the fourth date is when the relationship is consummated;[vii] furthermore some women may actually believe they are dating after one, JUST ONE good date!![viii] Wow.

This opinion also appears to hold true when I asked several other men. I asked my coworkers and they both agreed that it is between the four to seven date range that they would think they are officially dating the person they have been out with.  It would appear as though men view dating based on amount of dates while I myself would gauge the evolution of my dating world based on time length. It is my personal strategy to have the above mentioned time spent together with communication involved with your person of interest for a month and then they are at Face book Friendship level.  This gives them some generic insight into your personality, sense of humour and pictures of you in less attractive days, also, if they are still kicking it after a month they most likely enjoy your personality thus far and Facebook exposure is the beginning to the introduction to your life.   Did you know there is actually a lot of literature about this? When to add your love interest on Facebook? What a fascinating era we live in. Most articles actually agree that it is not a good idea to add the person you are dating until you are sure you are the same page, the reasons range from one person claiming their relationship status while the other is not ready to jealousy over photographs.[ix]  Facebook is a great mode a communication and I have nothing to hide on there it is just that dating and social networks have the ability to get messy.  From wall posting to excessive messaging Facebook has the ability to make your completely normal looking partner a mad man, thus it is best to try it out with a pair of slightly worn in dating shoes.

The Second Phase in my dating strategy is the Friend Zone; this zone comes into play at the three month point, typically after the first disagreement has been completely resolved and you have not met any nasty red flags.  Near the 3-month mark, it's time to break communication wide open. It's called a check-in. No, it's not something you can do online. In fact, it's a relationship-defining talk. It's not about making the relationship something more than it is - it's just about making sure that you know where things stand and what you should expect to give to and get from your partner.[x] The “Talk” as we refer to it in my circle of friends can be nerve racking, it has the ability to both make and break your fresh little romantic tryst.  It has the ability to make it if the two of you are on the same page and agree to whatever it is you think you need to agree to in order to each be happy.  On the reverse side it has the ability to break your budding romance if the two of you have differing opinions, in particular in seeing other people.  To be completely honest I more often enough completely avoid this talk but as my sister warned me recently that if I never have “The Talk” than I will never know if the person I am dating is not dating other people and in turn will get burned, touché.   It is typically around this time that I realize the person I am dating should meet my friends.  The Friend Zone is reserved for men that have stuck it out through your quirks for 90 days; they show a general interest in you for you.  They handled you first disagreement well and most importantly you both know one another without friend interference.  The friend zone usually begins by drinks out, dinner, etc. with one or two of your friends or his or both it is the introduction to your friends and the second layer deeper into who you actually are as friends are a reflection of you in some way or another. Also it does not mean that now every time I mingle with my friends my new love interest will be there.  Separation of friends and man is like separation of church and state, they can influence each other but if they were to have power over one another your complete autonomy on your own personal relationship will be lost. “There should always be a separation of friends and relationships, even if you do have a merged world of the two. What I mean by that is its fine if you have time with the person you’re dating and your friends together, but that time should be limited when the relationship is fresh. You need to have intimate alone time so you can distinctly separate your former platonic relationship, and start developing your newly formed romance.”[xi]   Thus keeping your friends yours and occasionally his and vice versa is the best plan over all.  In my previous relationships I had completely amalgamated my partners into my social life and it has only led to first of all irritation over the fact that he does not appear to have any of his own friends, there is a moment where you are having a ladies night at your place and Mr. X just does not leave because he has not made any plans because you are his social nucleus that you realize this will never work out. Secondly amalgamating your love and friend life means complete awkwardness on moments where you are trying to avoid one another or if your relationship does not pan out.[xii]  Slightly shared circles of friends is best, not to be confused with completely separate circles because if you have never met any of his friends than you begin to think that he is ashamed of you, which in actuality he just might be. [xiii]

The third and most important level to me is the Family Factor this factor gets introduced 6 to 8 months into dating, in fact it may only be cousins, my sister, and some aunts until the 12 month mark.  The popular belief seems to land around four months for this transition but it can also happen in as little as two weeks however, to me this step is one that should not be taken so lightly.[xiv] (It is also interesting that while looking into this I came across the abbreviation SO for significant other now SO may be referenced in the blog too.) The fact is your family is your family, you are not able to pick and choose them and you also can not influence how certain people react to them.  If you have a colorful family that you love dearly but feel that others may not fully appreciate their eccentricity it can keep you from allowing others in, in particular if you’re fabulous fam has not been received or treated well in the past by your Mr. X.  This kind of rejection can be excruciating because it is not only the rejection of your foundation[xv] it also means that you basically now have to choose between someone that by a year you deeply care for and your family or you try to juggle both without crossing them over very often and it is just brutal.  Anyone that does not take your eccentric family with your eccentric self does not truly care about you.  In the infamous words of Marilyn Monroe  “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” All the wonderful amazing things that you do for your man, from cleaning his place, knitting his mom a scarf for Christmas, baking him cookies every Sunday, etc, all the things he loves about you are accompanied by things that he is not going to as well.  Not everyone is going to love everything about you and the company you keep.  But, when the good outweighs the bad and you realize the little things that you are not crazy about are really not that bad because you cherish all the amazing things than you just rock both sides of the equation, in fact the longer you look at the little irritating things as not that bad they actually become not so bad.  This theory works particularly well with awful people, if nothing else you can take the fact that you are nice to them is probably driving them crazy more so than letting them get to you.  

The Final Level in my Relationship saga is somewhere between one and a half to two years Making A Love Nest happens, which obviously means moving in time! This can be a make or break act so it is best to wait another year and half to two years before you make anymore large relationship choices.  And, vuala you are at the treacherous three year mark before you know it! There are also small trips and what not that you should also be going on all along the time because knowing if you can handle travelling with someone is key to longer term success.   Some may think this view a bit rigid but really if you do not have relationship goals like life goals than you are like a trout swimming upstream, and good luck with that!

Now, as for Mr. Elevator it was on our last date that I realized something, I was discussing this blog actually and he leaned into me over a delicious bowl of Pho and tells me to read Malcolm Gladwell, that based on our conversation he figured I would enjoy the read.  It was during those words that I realized I have never heard these words from a love interest.  Suggesting literature based on a conversation and based on what they think I would like to read.  Honestly Mr. X read one book our entire three years together and it was based on a video game, maybe you know it Halo? The sad reality that I could not actually ever recall a man suggesting literature to me based on my likes, besides university professors, made me realize I have been dating all the wrong type of people.  If you treasure literature and enjoy curling up with a good book often than you probably should be with someone who enjoys the same, or at least knows how to read.   In a previous blog we examined standards, I have come into realization that the standards I set earlier for myself: Shelter and Employment are really not standards but more of necessities.  So I have decided to revaluate those said earlier values and replace Shelter (As it should be a given) with intellectually stimulating or literately entertaining.  I have decided to leave the second standard Employment open to be replaced by something more than a necessity in the near future.   Intellectual sharing is something I have from all my amazing girlfriends so why on earth would I settle for a partner that has the IQ level of a comatose patient?   Mr. Elevator also introduced me to three of his comrades this week.  Ms. J cancelled on me on a Friday night so Mr. Elevator invited me out for a drink, when I arrived two of his friends were in the mix, they were very nice, funny, well employed and attractive, all an accurate reflection of himself.  So, it would appear that he is more lax in the relationship progression or as usual men do not worry about such things as much as women.  Only time will tell really what the future holds. Thanks for reading! See you next week!

[i] “How to Tell If You Are On A Date” Jessica Porter Smosh Pit 09-19-12
[ii] Ibid.
[iv] Ibid.
[v] “Is Sex On A First Date A Relationship Killer?” Ask A Guy
[vi] “How Many Dates Does It Take Before Its A Relationship?” May 26/2009
[vii] Ibid.
[viii] Ibid.
[ix] “The Rules of Dating and Facebook” Ashley Hesseltine July 6th 2011 Date Night Magazine
[x] “The 3 Month Check – In: Does Your New Relationship Need One?” Sarah Rae Shine May 19th 2011
[xii] “How to Cope When Your Friends Break Up” Anna North Jezebel July 14th 2011
[xiii] “He Won’t Bring Me Out With His Friends”
[xiv]  “New Study Reveals How Many Dates People Wait to Kiss, Say I Love You and More” Tracy Dye
[xv] “Where do your Values Come From?”