Remember when dating use to be fun? When you went on a date for the pure and simple reason of going on a date? When you had casual sex because it feels amazing? When you tried a new restaurant with a stranger and it was a fun night? We somehow with age have forgotten dating culture. It became all about the strings attached. We somehow can't even have a glass of wine with a person of interest without questioning if he didn't want a relationship, marriage, kids and the white picket fence then why did he waste my time and that is absurd. The following are three reasons you should stop forcing the strings and enjoy your love life
1) It is never a waste of time. Somehow in our thirties we see dates as wastes of time if they don't lead anywhere. The truth is you probably had a laugh, a free meal, an awkward kiss maybe even. You had a date. You shared a moment in time with another human being who wanted that with you. This is never a waste of anything.
2) You want different things in the future. Ya, great. But guess what? This isn't the future. This is the right here and the right now. Another truth: you could spend a year making awesome memories with another human being (or multiple humans) before you meet your Mr. Right. Or you could spend that time sulking around, crying over how no man wants to put a ring on it right away. I don't know about you but I far prefer the former. Stop. Trying. To. Live. For. The. Future. Take a chance on having a good time.
3) Stop forcing the issue. If you have to chase anyone they aren't interested. I see so many women putting in all their efforts and then upset when the man backs away. I get it, you want to show how much you can give but you are killing dating culture. Go with the flo and stop trying to control your love interest if he is interested he will come around, if not move on gracefully.
Dating should be a blast. It should be full of awkward moments and strange nights out and laughable stories. It should be light hearted and wonderful. Have fun with it. If you are meant to meet Mr. Right you will, but until then quit looking in wide eyed wonder at every man like he might be him. Try viewing them as Mr. Rightnow and go from there. Thanks for reading!! XO