- Unknown
Recently I was on the bus and witnessed a battle royal with the bus driver and a very rude patron. This got me to thinking two things: 1) I could never be a bus driver and 2) one should never date their bus driver. Thought number two came to me as I began think what would you do if you had a bad break up with someone you depended on every day for a crucial service. This led me to write the following advice on what men in your life that one should not date:
"People in your life may be acting a bit crazy now, but don't let it get under your skin. Just because others are off in the deep end doesn't mean you have to join them there. Stay in safe waters and do your thing."
- Unknown
1) The bus driver on your route. Now if your life does not count on public transit than this limitation should not apply to you. However, if you are someone who does the daily commute than it is best to avoid your bus driver. I am sure that there is some kind of bus driver hand book that does not allow them to date their patrons but just in case there is not and you are thinking about it I say "Don't do it." Why? You may ask, while at first it would all be sunshine, lollypops, and rainbows, as he picks you up each morning and takes you to work. How cute. One day you realize that he is not the man for you, and unfortunately instead of being very, very, grown up about it you two have one of the messiest breakups in the history of mankind. Let's say you lost your mind and broke his things and now have extreme break up remorse, longing to never face him again you trudge to work, as you can no longer catch the bus, you have a nice hour and half walk to think about things...real nice. One may also think that you can catch a different route, this is all good, except bus drivers are constantly changing their routes and filling in for others. In a different scenario let's say he turned into Mr. Clingy and you pried yourself off of his love sucking tentacles in a rather public display that left him seething with post break up rage, the following day when you do try and catch the bus he drives right by you making you late for work. Or, perhaps he announces on the bus intercom personal and embarassing details about you....awkward. The truth is I have no idea what your break ups might be but I can imagine a million and one scenarios where breaking the bus driver's heart will disrupt your life, so if you count on him for your daily commute best to befriend him and draw the line there.
“You picked a lemon, throw it away lemonade is overrated. Freaks should remain at the circus, not in your apartment. You already have one asshole. You don’t need another. Make a space in your life for the glorious things you deserve. Have faith.”
― Greg Behrendt, He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys
2) Your mail man. I have to be honest, I have never dated my mail main and he appears to have no real interest in delivering heavy items to my house. Which is slightly irritating given I do not have a car nor a lot of upper body strength...but this got me to conceptualizing a world in which the mail man actually had a method to his madness. In fact if you had a bad break up with the man who brings your important news what would this mean. I know it is a federal offence to tamper with someone's mail, but I have also seen lunachicks in action that are not phased by the word illegal. I am sure at first it would be all cute and cuddly, he would bring by your mail and you give him a nice tall glass of lemonade as you flirt for a moment on his route, but then things go sideways, and all your important online ordered gifts start arriving two weeks after their important scheduled dates, and you begin to notice that your choice to engage your mailman was not one of wisdom as you research P.O Boxes in your neighborhood. My advice here is think about the long term effects of your comfort zone and dating. While in an ideal world breakups would all be amicable and life would be easy, but let's be real, the majority of break ups are messy with scorn.
“To be rejected by someone doesn't mean you should also reject yourself or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person. It doesn't mean that nobody will ever love you anymore."
- Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
3) Your neighborhood watch. I once had a roommate who had a very disturbing tale of an ex who was a police man. And, I am never saying all men are the same, nor are all police. However, the possible consequence of a tragic break up with a man in power should be a given. Perchance you have the unfortunate luck of being in a small hit and run incident, your adrenaline is pumping, you are in shock and there he is your knight in shinning armor...while I am sure there is a 5-0 handbook that does not allow this profession to date in these situations, we are human. However, a month down the road when the nostalgia wears off you realize your knight in shining armor is more a dud in a tin foil hat and you end things and move on. There are a million and one reactions to your actions that I could go into here but I will just warn you to cautiously tread where the men of your life which you count on are present and spread friendship where these men are involved...nothing else.
With millions of men in this world try dating men that are not involved on your daily affairs or safety. This not only protects you from the tragic outcomes mentioned above it also gives you the upper hand of mystery. No one wants to dive in to day in and day out together right away, and if they do they are needy and you should also be weary. I apologize if you are one of the men mentioned above and think that this post is not fair, however, on the flip side if your break up is bad and you are picking up your lunachick ex everyday on your buss route so she can cuss you out on her 45 minute commute, or throw things at you as you attempt to give her the mail, or any other unreasonable act of heart ache than you too have not thought through the reality of dating someone involved in your professional endeavors and should give your head a shake too. Thanks for reading!
Personal Recap:
THE AMERICAN IS HOME! We are living together and headed to meet his family in America land next week! I start at a new firm next month and this week will complete my first marathon!! Do I miss single life? No, while I admit being single was a lot of fun, so is being with the right lobster.
Recently I was on the bus and witnessed a battle royal with the bus driver and a very rude patron. This got me to thinking two things: 1) I could never be a bus driver and 2) one should never date their bus driver. Thought number two came to me as I began think what would you do if you had a bad break up with someone you depended on every day for a crucial service. This led me to write the following advice on what men in your life that one should not date:
"People in your life may be acting a bit crazy now, but don't let it get under your skin. Just because others are off in the deep end doesn't mean you have to join them there. Stay in safe waters and do your thing."
- Unknown
1) The bus driver on your route. Now if your life does not count on public transit than this limitation should not apply to you. However, if you are someone who does the daily commute than it is best to avoid your bus driver. I am sure that there is some kind of bus driver hand book that does not allow them to date their patrons but just in case there is not and you are thinking about it I say "Don't do it." Why? You may ask, while at first it would all be sunshine, lollypops, and rainbows, as he picks you up each morning and takes you to work. How cute. One day you realize that he is not the man for you, and unfortunately instead of being very, very, grown up about it you two have one of the messiest breakups in the history of mankind. Let's say you lost your mind and broke his things and now have extreme break up remorse, longing to never face him again you trudge to work, as you can no longer catch the bus, you have a nice hour and half walk to think about things...real nice. One may also think that you can catch a different route, this is all good, except bus drivers are constantly changing their routes and filling in for others. In a different scenario let's say he turned into Mr. Clingy and you pried yourself off of his love sucking tentacles in a rather public display that left him seething with post break up rage, the following day when you do try and catch the bus he drives right by you making you late for work. Or, perhaps he announces on the bus intercom personal and embarassing details about you....awkward. The truth is I have no idea what your break ups might be but I can imagine a million and one scenarios where breaking the bus driver's heart will disrupt your life, so if you count on him for your daily commute best to befriend him and draw the line there.
“You picked a lemon, throw it away lemonade is overrated. Freaks should remain at the circus, not in your apartment. You already have one asshole. You don’t need another. Make a space in your life for the glorious things you deserve. Have faith.”
― Greg Behrendt, He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys
2) Your mail man. I have to be honest, I have never dated my mail main and he appears to have no real interest in delivering heavy items to my house. Which is slightly irritating given I do not have a car nor a lot of upper body strength...but this got me to conceptualizing a world in which the mail man actually had a method to his madness. In fact if you had a bad break up with the man who brings your important news what would this mean. I know it is a federal offence to tamper with someone's mail, but I have also seen lunachicks in action that are not phased by the word illegal. I am sure at first it would be all cute and cuddly, he would bring by your mail and you give him a nice tall glass of lemonade as you flirt for a moment on his route, but then things go sideways, and all your important online ordered gifts start arriving two weeks after their important scheduled dates, and you begin to notice that your choice to engage your mailman was not one of wisdom as you research P.O Boxes in your neighborhood. My advice here is think about the long term effects of your comfort zone and dating. While in an ideal world breakups would all be amicable and life would be easy, but let's be real, the majority of break ups are messy with scorn.
“To be rejected by someone doesn't mean you should also reject yourself or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person. It doesn't mean that nobody will ever love you anymore."
- Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
3) Your neighborhood watch. I once had a roommate who had a very disturbing tale of an ex who was a police man. And, I am never saying all men are the same, nor are all police. However, the possible consequence of a tragic break up with a man in power should be a given. Perchance you have the unfortunate luck of being in a small hit and run incident, your adrenaline is pumping, you are in shock and there he is your knight in shinning armor...while I am sure there is a 5-0 handbook that does not allow this profession to date in these situations, we are human. However, a month down the road when the nostalgia wears off you realize your knight in shining armor is more a dud in a tin foil hat and you end things and move on. There are a million and one reactions to your actions that I could go into here but I will just warn you to cautiously tread where the men of your life which you count on are present and spread friendship where these men are involved...nothing else.
With millions of men in this world try dating men that are not involved on your daily affairs or safety. This not only protects you from the tragic outcomes mentioned above it also gives you the upper hand of mystery. No one wants to dive in to day in and day out together right away, and if they do they are needy and you should also be weary. I apologize if you are one of the men mentioned above and think that this post is not fair, however, on the flip side if your break up is bad and you are picking up your lunachick ex everyday on your buss route so she can cuss you out on her 45 minute commute, or throw things at you as you attempt to give her the mail, or any other unreasonable act of heart ache than you too have not thought through the reality of dating someone involved in your professional endeavors and should give your head a shake too. Thanks for reading!
Personal Recap:
THE AMERICAN IS HOME! We are living together and headed to meet his family in America land next week! I start at a new firm next month and this week will complete my first marathon!! Do I miss single life? No, while I admit being single was a lot of fun, so is being with the right lobster.