Thursday, 22 May 2014

Figuring out life!!

Alright! Whew, what a week. As I come home from a "Meet the Parents" adventure with The American from the deserts of America Land to the lush coast of Canada! from running 42 kms to starting my new careerat a large firm, to training for my upcoming 21 kms, life is a real whirl wind of excitement.  But, perhaps it is seeing my family, in particular my father, or falling more into my healthy lifestyle or maybe even the love of a good man, but, something in me has realized a few things that I have touched on before but have been reaffirmed recently and I would like to share:

1) if it doesn't make you happy it doesn't matter.  I use to search for validation in others, social media, etc.  Only to realize living life free of focusing on people and things that never bring you joy is futile!  Focus on those who truly make you smile and feel appreciated, and trust me you will forget all those individuals and things which don't.   My most recent adventures made me realize both travelling alone and with The American have been my best travels thus far as I was not desperately trying to see all the unreliable "friends" who agree to meet ups and then cancel.  Not any more.  Do you know who your life is made to live for?? You.  There is nothing selfish about living it.  Do what makes you happy.

2) don't focus on the negative.  I also use to think about all the things that had not happened in my life, drama and a lot of other total bullsh*t that at the end of the day was just a whole lot of worry one needs those!!! When things don't work out, let go, find a new path and move on.   Focusing on the old scorched and impenetrable paths of your past are not going to get you anywhere. Instead, try keeping positive.  I can't stand people who constantly complain and never try to better themselves.   Life is about finding your path, it is not straight! It is not clear! It is more of a grown over misshapen labyrinth with a lot of back tracking, but it is yours.  All yours, you are the one travelling it so create a path you prance along hopefully! not a sullen pity party other life roads build over passes to avoid!

3) Life goes on.  Even after your life is over all your loved ones will keep on their lives.  This was particularly hard for me to come to terms with, but you know what? It is true.  I use to be conflicted, should one obsess over death and family illness? Or should one acknowledge that while it is heart wrenching life goes on.  Life does not stop for you to be ready to move on and regroup.  Life continues on like waves in the ocean, lapping the shore and reminding it that new tides are coming.  Tides bringing new life and new challenges and while often we feel beaten by sadness, we must always remember, life carries on, and we must carry on with it to remain a part of our own.
Doing self reflection this week and every layer of actualization I write here the better I feel and the more life makes sense.  Thanks for reading!!

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