Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Don't Worry, All My Personalities Are Just As Crazy

“Mad woman, bad woman that’s just what you are, ya, you’ll smile in my face and rip my breaks out my car”

Bruno Mars

This topic was actually given to me last year by one of my coworkers  and it is interesting to see how much data there is out there about it. In fact, history is chalk full of good examples of crazy women, every orifice of our society is full of examples in literature, art, music, theater, you name it, there has been a production about the mad side of women.  Have you ever heard of or witnessed psychotic behaviour (and also possibly been the participant in said behaviour) towards a boyfriend from his girlfriend and either in the after math or during thought “Wow! This is crazy, why does he put up with this?” It is fascinating the terrible things I have seen women do their partners in the heat of the moment and then later acted like nothing had happened leaving you standing there with a look of horror on your face that cannot be disguised with your best fake smile.  So I found myself wonder “Why? Why? Why?” do men take the dramatic beating with the crazy stick and keep on ticking? Three factors came to me in my hunt for the lunacy addiction of the other sex.  The first and most comical is the hot to crazy ratio put forward by the infamous Barney Stinson:

“The diagonal line is known as the Vicky Mendoza Diagonal by Barney, after a girl he dated who jumped back and forth across the line by shaving her head, then losing ten pounds, then stabbing Barney with a fork and finally getting a boob job.

Added by PCool

The bottom-right corner of the scale is dubbed the Shelly Gallebsy zone by Barney, after another girl he dated who fell into that area after gaining twenty pounds and trying to kill him with a brick.

Barney explains the Hot-Crazy scale to the gang after Ted introduces them to Blah Blah, his crazy girlfriend at the time.” (1)

Basically this theory puts forth: “a person is allowed to be crazy, as long as they are equally hot. Ideally, you want your date to be above the diagonal line, indicating that they are hotter than they are crazy.”(2)   So this explains why I often see men that are not generically handsome with some very stunning women.  But, more resolute this explanation explains why I have seen men punched, kicked, screamed at, vases thrown at, bitten (and not in a good way), smacked, house windows broken, car windows broken, and more extreme measures  and yet these men stay with the perpetrators.  They have realized that these women are hot enough to endure their insane antics. “It is amazing the amount of torture a guy will put himself through for a hot partner and steady sex.” (3)   Sex, is the other reason that I have  merged with the hotness factor, men often see a crazy woman as a crazy sexual experience.  They get this mentality that if she is this crazy in day to day life than she must just let loose between the sheets.  There is really no substantial data to support this claim but perhaps it is true, and if it makes men happy than why not.  These two concepts of course suggest that men are perhaps shallow which is not what I am trying to say at all, so please do not take offense to this comical suggestion, but it does make sense for some men, who are, let’s just face it, shallow.  A good example of this is my friend Mr. Suit who actually identifies with Barney and his theories frequently so these men do exist out there.  Also, this got me to thinking! If a woman is hot enough and has a long enough bout of sanity to draw a man in then he may just fall deeply in love than this man maybe love struck. 

Which brings us to my second theory “Yeah, she’s crazy BUT I love her” The poor love sick man, trapped with a woman who is 80 percent wonderful BUT 20 % batshit crazy.  What to do when your one love acts like two different people? Stay with her and stick out the crazy spells. The truth is we all know or have dated this guy, he loves his crazy woman, his friends tell him she’s crazy, his mom tells him she’s crazy, hell, even his boss says “That chick is whack!” but he does not want to hear this.  In truth, if everyone and his dog has told him, HE KNOWS, but he also loves her.  You will recognize this love sick man when his friend’s tease him about his psychotic girlfriends as she texts him for the one millionth time during guy’s night out, but instead of agreeing and bashing her, he is coy, and says things like “It is not that bad.” These men are in love, so just leave them be, one day they will wake up and realize the dream girl they fell asleep beside is actually a nightmare vision of the girl from the Exorcist, head spinning and all, OR perhaps they will never wake up.  You see it is possible these men are numb to the crazy vibe, they are mellow, settlers who have found their one and are perfectly happy exhisting in crazy town, population him and her (and her three other personalities).  I have known several love sick men like this in my time.  This theory of the hopeless romantic I found tightly interwoven with the hero theory which basically states: “Men love to be heroes. They love to "fix" things. It makes them feel needed, important, and feeds the male ego. Who makes a better damsel in distress than a poor, defenseless lunachick?”(4)  So, it makes one ponder is it the love of ego or the love of the actual damsel that has crazy women so lucky in love? I am not sure, but I will accept both as possibilities for a man’s ability to deal with craziness.

Lastly and more for comical relief than a really psychoanalysis in the male psyche it is suggested that men stay with lunachicks because they are lazy.  Unlike their female counter part that has an urge to stay with Mr. Wrong out of fear of being alone; men are actually just driven by sheer lack of motivation. They figure if they are already in one relationship, and women are crazy than why make the effort for change. “it’s more likely that it’s just easier to stay. I’ve had multiple male friends with girls (not crazy) in the last year that stayed long past the relationship should’ve been over.”(5)  But, this clearly links back to the fact that men avoid confrontation and drama.  If their girl is crazy on a regular day just imagine what might be in store for them on B Day (Break Up Day) Men are afraid of that confrontational bomb exploding all over their lives, so it is easier to just stay at theregular level of crazy they have gotten used to.  Here is fun experiment to do, so you have already at one point in your relationship opened the lid of your can of crazy and your partner took it very well.  I suggest you slowly try more crazy things, to gauge his reaction.  Trust me you will know when he have reached his brink of craziness and you can easily apologize and say you will not do that again.  Thus you have tested the limits of your partner, which is something I have done from time to time; it is really intriguing what the opposite sex will endure in the name of love.  However, if you really care about your partner and think you have a future together I would suggest NOT doing this little social experiment, as you will always feel a bit off at the fact that your soul mate saw you at your highest peak of lunachick and there is NO taking that back! This lunachick experiment is really to try with someone you do not see a future with and really just feel like seeing what would happen if you did something totally ludicrous. I am fully aware sane people may not have these urges, and to any of my exes who may be gluttonous enough to ever read this blog, I would say sorry but that is just not in my Lunachick nature! (insert crazy Cruella Deville style laughter here)

What to say about this week….I am not sure.  I sent Mr. Elevator a text ending things; I know I am a total hypocrite asshole! But, in all fairness I never know when I am going to see him again so it had to be done via shitty text, unfortunately I had break up remorse the next day AND attempted to recant my earlier text.  Which oddly enough got a “You’re crazy” but an agreement to talk this weekend after I had some time to think.  Never will I deny I am crazy like a fox, but that point should be mute by now if you have been reading this blog since the beginning.  So that is a big mess that I created because I got to thinking how long should two people do the uncertainty shuffle of not wanting anything serious.  I mean really to me it comes across as a cheap way to keep me on the side and play the field? Or maybe that is just my lunachick talking but it seems to be the general consensus between all my Ms friends and the men I know so let’s get real.  I deserve someone who is at least willing to try out the dating waters before jumping out of the pool.  Moving on, I also messaged Mr. Kind saying that I did not think that a romantic future was in order, see I met Mr. Motown on the Seabus and thought he might actually have dating potential, but he had some less than flattering sexual advances so he got bumped off my radar after I sent both said messages.  But, there is always a silver lining to each strange dating grey cloud, what that silver lining is I am really not sure,  the more I write about his romantic life the more vague and confusing it appears to become.  Is it so hard to find a manly man who is considerate and wild, fun and spontaneous, romantic but still edgy, well rounded, well employed and a good sense of humor who is interested in dating? It would appear as though the answer is YES! Surprise, surprise.  It seems like I am always finding men that have pieces of the man that would be great to date but they are all without.  If they are nice they are not bad (which they have to be a little) or they are too bad and total douches, or if they are complicated they are too complicated and confusing, or they are too simple or forth write, or they are too cheap, too luxurious, too drunk, too rude, too jealous, too lazy, too relaxed, etc. you get the point. ..Oh! Right, as for Mr. Yukon, well he is 2414 kms away, what is the harm with a little racy texting and his flattery from time to time.  Fun Fact: Mr. NiceGuy and Mr. X my two serious long term relationships are from the same town, let’s call it King North.  Now, King North produces real men, men who make you feel safe in a hurricane, now how to be handy around the house, they are masculine, brave, known to be a bit rough around the edges, they are men’s men.  So, I saw on Facebook a man who is friends with a lot of King North friends but for some reason he did not look overly familiar but he is from there and we share a lot of friends, I thought that we might have met before, and partially out of my affection for men of King North and his good looks I friend requested him.  If nothing else he has a hot tub, and all my friends from King North are such a blast that a friendship with him would be appreciated at this time in my confusing dating life.  The truth of the matter is dating like a man is CONFUSING! Having too many options is distracting and keeps you from really focusing on any one as a whole, it also leads to more and more options and it is just more and more confusing.  Thus while last week seemed like one hell of a brilliant idea, this week of experience has actually lead me to believe that it is exhausting.  So basically not sure where I am headed this week, only time will tell as usual.  Thanks for reading, in the mean while I will be perhaps confusingly dating like a man and analyzing like a lunachick.


1) (first two pictures are also from this site)

2)       Ibid.

3)      “Why Do Men Date Crazy Women?”

4)      Ibid.

5)      “Five Reasons Men Love Crazy Women” Love Buzz September 15th 2009



1 comment:

  1. This is great! Really opened my eyes. Of course you did give away a lot of secrets, which might piss off other women who happen upon your article ;-)

    Tom S.
