Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Holdiay Separation Anxiety

The Grinch: "The nerve of those Whos. Inviting me down there - on such short notice! Even if I wanted to go my schedule wouldn't allow it. 4:00, wallow in self pity; 4:30, stare into the abyss; 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one; 5:30, jazzercize; 6:30, dinner with me - I can't cancel that again; 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing... I'm booked. Of course, if I bump the loathing to 9, I could still be done in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness. But what would I wear?"

Holidays! You have to love them.  Whether you are the kind of person who celebrates or not you still get time off of work (regardless if your job is awesome or not time off is still nice).  Everyone is happy and doing cheerful festive things and their is just an upbeat vibe around this time of year.  Until you realize that going home for the holidays means going home with out your love interest.  This is not a joyous thought.  Suddenly you miss them and are not really sure what to do about it.  While yes absence makes the heart grow fonder, you are already very fond of your love aren't you?  Recently The American went home for Thanksgiving and at first I thought it was no big deal five days apart.  However, given the absurd amount of money cell providers charge we obviously could not text as we usually do most of the day (Important to give credit to my Brazillian friend who introduced me to Viber! Much thanks! This app means you can text world wide pictures and all with Wifi, but this introduction came on my last day in waiting for The American's return).  Which left Skype, and at first seemed unnecessary given the short time he would be gone, but by day two I found myself looking forward to Skyping with him more than I had originally thought.  The thing is at first when you are separated from your love interest it does not really sink in.  You go along your day and you are usually at work and so you do not have much time to think about them.  However, it is that first long sexless night that gets you tossing and turning.  You can not text them, you begin to miss them terribly. and they are out of reach.  You miss the warmth of their body next to yours and then you realize that you have become pretty smitten for your current flame.  Now! It is only a holiday, relax.  You will survive, and when you get back you will be enjoy your lover even more because chances are they are missing you.  So the following are three patterns to avoid when you find yourself feeling lonely over the holidays:

``A merry Christmas, uncle! God save you!'' cried a cheerful voice. It was the voice of Scrooge's nephew..."
``Bah!'' said Scrooge, ``Humbug!''

1) The repeater.  Now, I do not mean the hilarious game played on the movie Super Troopers, I wish! What I mean is the repeat caller. Truth be told as fabulous as the holidays are they are also VERY STRESSFUL time of year as well.  They are full of longer commutes, more bustling bodies, baking, making, visiting, parties, cooking, family, and all kinds of extra stress moments that can be irritating to everyone.  So, there you are in the midst of your very busy day and you try your lover except they do not answer.  Well, you are VERY busy, stressed and tired and you mentioned you might call today so instead of leaving a message and carrying on with your life you call, and call, and keep calling because the more you call the more angry you get, the more angry you get the more you really feel like you need to call until they answer...STOP.  This is lunacy at its finest.  And, while at the first four calls your lover was in the shower by the 8th call they are beginning to fear you are insane and yes they are avoiding you.  Ask yourself how you would feel if someone called you a billion times in a row?  Would you want to talk to them?  No.  This kind of behavior can feel so justified because how dare they ignore you.  (It is important to note that previously when I dated Mr. AA when he would call a million times, or vice-versa we each thought it was our way of showing affection, if you feel this way you need to know that you are wrong, this behavior is crazy) Are you noticing that all that you are thinking about is you? This behavior can also be impossible to break if you and your lover have fallen into making this an acceptable pattern.  I would know.  I was once the repeat caller, but do you know what I realized?  It feels SO much more empowering and relaxing to just leave one message.  To fight the urge to call and call because then at least that person me one message and they know.  Anything more and the only thing they know is that you are possibly psychotic. For all of you reading this thinking that you need to keep calling so they get it...THEY GET IT.  They actually get that you called, and wanted to speak with them from one f*cking phone call AND if you are with someone that you know for a fact ignores you intentionally than guess what?  Calling a billion times only gives them further incentive to ignore you.  The repeater is such a tragic move, and it is particularly hard to avoid around the holidays when you are apart, and you know he is at the office party with that cute girl from accounting that flirts with him and he is drinking, and did she just post a pic of them on facebook?!?! and blah, blah, blah...calm down.  Don't become a repeater because you fabricate excuses to be a lunachick.  Put down the phone and look around you, chances are you are surrounded by amazing people that would love to have your attention during this festive time of year, and they will not ignore you or make you repeat anything.

Grinch: "I must stop this *whole* thing! Why, for fifty-three years I've put up with it now. I must stop Christmas from coming... but how?"

2) Overreaction for attention.  This can be brought on by the stress of the holidays plus distance plus days without seeing one another plus etc...Here is what we all need to do: identify what you want.  If you are looking to blow off steam because your aunt is driving you mental with her incessant criticisms for not being married off yet with a bun in the oven, DO NOT take your stress out on your love. Another example if your loved one is out of service or not getting back to you in a timely fashion and you are feeling hurt because you miss them do not lash out at them with a series of unfortunate messages be-raiding them because they are not doing what you want.  DO NOT make empty threats because you want attention.  Stop.  Take a moment and ask yourself: What do I want?  The answer is most likely reassurance and affection. I know this because I have felt this way and I have acted inappropriately because I just wanted to know I was loved.  It is okay, we all do this.  Here is a recent example.  The American was coming to my place, at 6pm he told me he was commuting from work and on his way to my place.  At 8:30pm I told him that we could just hang out another day.  I did not really want to wait another day to see him.  But, I was also getting impatient and felt like he did not care about seeing me so instead of expressing my feelings I over reacted and said something I did not mean because I wanted him to tell me how he wanted to come over.  Now, I know this was not a distance issue but it is an issue that comes up even more when distance is a factor.  The only way I now know to do the following is because The American told me that when I act this way it bothers him so I thought about this and WHY I was acting this way and here is the solution I came up with:  When you feel the need to lash out ask yourself first why?  What are you feeling?  Are you feeling lonely?  Insecure? Angry about something else?  Figure out first why you are acting the way you are or what is making you feel this way.  SECONDLY and most importantly, identify WHAT YOU WANT.  Not what you want to do but you actually want.  For example do you want your lover to say they miss you?  Do you want your lover to say you are beautiful?  Identify exactly WHAT IT IS YOU WANT.  Then say that.  That is right say how you are feeling and what you want and leave it at that.  WHY?  Because you have said everything you need to say in those two statements, there is NO misinterpretation.  The thing is you can be mean to someone because you are hurt and you want them to hurt and everyone will just think you are a dick, or you can be flirting with all other men in the room and your lover will just think you don't care.  When we act a certain way because we want a certain reaction we are being ridiculous.  The only way you can know for sure that our partner knows how we feel and what we want is to tell them.  In distance it is crucial we remember this as we are going to feel lonely and miss the other person and want an emotional charge frequently, but identify what that is instead of causing fights.  Fights are so easy to instigate because they are attention.  They give us what we are yearning for even if it is in most detrimental form.  Fights are what we get use to because we feel powerful emotions and we want instant gratification for our feelings. Fights are negative attention that lead to negative words and actions.  Try talking about what you want in the positive and clearly stating what you want and how you feel.

 "You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch / You have termites in your smile / You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile / Mr. Gri-inch / Given the choice between the two of you, I'd take the uh... seasick crocodile."

3) Ignore them till they smarten up, that will teach them a lesson!  Ya, this is the worst thing you can do.  As, I have frequented this enraging topic.  It leads to the repeater and other lunachick actions but this can be particularly hard to deal with in the distance of the holidays.  There you are Christmas Day you are having such a wonderful day, you have called and left your message for your lover, you are waiting, and waiting, and waiting and then the day is almost over and you feel a bit hurt that your lover did not care enough to wish you a good day on the holiday you both share.  Then they say "Oh well yesterday you pissed me off so ignored you..." STOP RIGHT THERE.  Are you f*cking serious? Oh so mature! To instead of talk about your emotions ignore someone, oh more mature to admit to ignoring someone to teach them a lesson! instead of talking to them to work it through.  Oh so healthy to admit you are being sh*t because you want to make someone feel like sh*t.  If this is you, you first of all do not deserve to be in a relationship with any one.  You are an emotional baby whose "lessons" (because they always say "I had to do this to teach you a lesson...") are pure and utter bull sh*t that no one needs to learn.  You need to learn to use your big boy words and say what the f*ck is the problem and what the solution is.  Plain and simple.  Guess what?  If you are doing this and you think it is SO successful because then everyone just bends to your will.  You are a total douche.  Period. Grow up.  There is no advice I could possibly give to someone who wants to ruin the holidays on top of someone who is so ignorant about human communication.  Ummm, I guess try doing the exact opposite of everything you are doing to be a decent human being, or put your house coat on and slippers and practice up on your "bah-hum-bugs" you selfish Ebeneezer.

 And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say - that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then - the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of *ten* Grinches, plus two!

Remember that you are probably separated from your loved one NOT because you want to be.  Most likely it is visiting family or an annual girls trip.  The added stress of a lover bugging the hell out of you while you are trying to wrap gifts, organize wine tours, bake treats, and juggle a million and one tasks all while travelling is never a good mix.  Further more if you are dealing with a fun trip and you want to relax but every waking second your lover needs reassurance your phone may get thrown in the pool by your girlfriends who actually came to spend time with you.  Let your lover have their life, don't try and BE THEIR LIFE.  You are part of it, and a very important part of it so just enjoy the fact that you have someone to miss terribly and that they will be coming home to you one day soon, hopefully with a present.  Do not turn your outside stress or missing them stress into lunachick actions, fights or worse silence.  Communication is SO essential during the holidays it is the glue that keeps us from not falling apart.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

How Bullying Affects Us

“It gets so tiring, this strong-picking-on-the-weak stuff. It was the story of my life -literally- and it seemed to be a big part of the outside world too. I was sick of it, sick of guys like these, stupid and bullying.” 
― James PattersonThe Angel Experiment

So this breaks away slightly from the pattern of relationships that I usually follow, but, I recently realized something about myself.  This time of year I send out about fifty Christmas cards to friends and family.  I get these cards specially made.  This year after sending said cards out I got about ten cards myself and about a handful of thank yous.  I do not send out these cards for any particular reaction of course.  But, this lack of enthusiasm made me realize does any one really care?  Then it got me to thinking why for the past, oh probably about twenty years of my life, I have been trying too hard.  I have always loved to be the "friend" who sends things and makes things and bakes things....and then one day I just asked myself why?  The answer is that bullying and emotional bruises had created this idea that I had to be more than just myself.  When I was a young girl around the age of eleven I was told by a very popular girl that no one liked me and that the only reason she was speaking to me was because she liked my one friend.  I never told anyone this because I was embarrassed.  These feelings of low value were further imprinted on me as I grew into an awkward teenager and a boy said that I would look alright if I had a paper bag on my head.  Recently I realized, FOR THE FIRST TIME! That these small hurtful moments had actually shaped who I am today.  I had become consumed with winning people over through actions of giving.  Not anymore.  I realized something.  I am worth love and friend ship without having to chase people.  If someone does not want to return messages and constantly only chats when it is convenient for them so long.  Relationships are a two way street, and I am no longer the one putting in all the effort.  Let me tell you when I realized this.  AND IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE I did NOT come to this revelation with ill intentions.  I never thought "Oh that is it, I am going to ignore so-and-so and then they will know what it feels like."  Not at.  What I did think was that I am much happier when I stop over exerting myself. I feel happy now that I only put energy into good friends that I feel their energy come right back to me full on.  The following are three revelations I had about bullying and maybe you will identify these in yourself or you will now what to say to someone who you see these in:

“I have a deep-down belief that there are folks in the world who are good through and through, and others who came in mean and will go out mean. It's like coffee. Once it's roasted, it all looks brown. Until you pour hot water on it and see what comes out. Folks get into hot water, you see what comes out.” 
― Nancy E. TurnerSarah's Quilt

1) You are just not good enough.  I think that every person of the human race has felt this.  A moment where you are just not pretty enough, not smart enough, not cool enough for something.  This is the worst thing a bully can say to you.   And, some of you may be thinking that you are not being a bully when you do this but you are. Bullying is saying or doing actions that make someone feel badly, bully's ogress others by hurting them with words and actions.    When you reject someone and tell them you reject them because they are NOT good enough you are making that person feel terrible.  You are intentionally acting to hurt someone.  You are making someone feel like they need to change to be accepted and the truth is they do not.  You do.  You should never tell someone they are inferior to you, because they are not.  And, if you have, I strongly suggest you tell that person that they are wonderful.  And, some of you may be reading this and thinking that this only happens in childhood.  I am here to tell you it still happens all the time your entire life.  How many times have you been guilt tripped by a friend into doing something you did not want to do?  Or by your lover to go somewhere you really were to tired to go?  Or seen adult, ADULT women make fun of others?  And, how many times have you said and done things NOT because you cared about the person (there will always be small personal sacrifices we make for the ones we love)  BUT you did it because you were actually afraid of the reaction or the consequence or that they would not like you?  You are not alone.  We all have felt this way.  I am writing this to say: "It is okay to do what you want, it is your life!" We live in a society where "selfishness" is thrown around to coerce others too liberally!  Too many times I see people living for others and it saddens me because you should take more time for yourself, it is after all your life.  So the next time you feel pressured and not good enough remember you are not alone.  You have every right to say what you want, you make your future and you define your life and you are the BEST captain to steer your boat of life.  You are worth two small letters that when paired together make a strong word: NO.  Anyone who tries to tell you differently is NOT a good friend to you nor cares about you.

“No, we aren't civilized, even in our business suits and high heels. People are as mean as ever, and as predictable. Underneath it all, we are not so different from what lurks in the wild, perhaps we're worse.” 
― Donna Lynn Hope

2) What if..... These are two dangerous words that should never be put side by side to be honest.  "What if...." holds us back from amazing things with amazing people in amazing places by instilling fear.  The truth is what if can apply to a million circumstances for a million and one reasons but the only thing I want to hear from now on is "What if this will be amazing" period.   I strongly believe this mentality comes from societal bullying too.  When we live in a day in age where it is "so cool" to post pictures on facebook we deem not trendy or hip and then all laugh at their expense.  For example Mr. X's cousin posted a picture of an over weight man enjoying the beach with his family.  He was seated so yes the top of his butt was showing, and so what?  He was on a tropical holiday. This cousin posted this image on facebook voicing her disgust where a group of people all commented and laughed.  When a friend of this cousin tried to object to the photo she was ridiculed EVEN WORSE than the man by the cousin's MOTHER! (a grown woman, if you can call her that).  This disgusts me to the core.  This is bullying.  This is judgement and this is where this HUGE FEAR of "what if..." comes from.  Where we see children laughing and pulling pranks on each other that are of the cruelest attentions, where ex boyfriends send intimate pictures of their exes to humiliate them it is no wonder we live in fear of our "what ifs..."  Here is what I have to say about this mentality SO WHAT.  Of course other people's actions are terrifying, in particular when they are mean.  But, there is no way that you should live your live in fear.  I use to feel very defined by judgement and afraid to be myself.  I was always worried that others would see me and laugh.  AND THEN one day I realized that I did not really care if people laughed, or posted pictures or whatever because at the end of the day all that happened was that small action that really means nothing.  Let me explain a little more here and move on to our last point. Here is the example from earlier a boy told me when I was around thirteen that I would be attractive if I had a paper bag over my head.  I took from this that I was ugly, not worth affection, not worth relationships, not attractive to anyone, etc.  but you know what actually happened?  All that actually happened was a stupid boy (who years later asked me out FYI) said a mean thing.  THAT IS ALL THAT HAPPENED.  From this I CREATED a million and one ideas about myself that were exactly that.  Things I created.  None of these thoughts are true.  All that happened was a boy said something rude period.  And, you know we suffer with our self created drama until we have a break down all the time and why? All you need to do is think of what actually happened.  Period.  That is it.  Everything else is just in your head.  Once you realize this and I mean really realize that this is reality you will find new peace of mind I promise. I know this is a struggle in particular when we are surrounded by drama fueled relationships that tell us that we need to over react and create bull shit, so surround yourself with people that when you get lost in your drama pull you back to reality and say "HEY! this happened yes, and it sucks, but it was just this thing that happened, you are still awesome and you WILL LIVE to fight another day."  This is true.

“I'd developed an inability to demonstrate much negative emotion at all. It was another thing that made me seem like a dick - my stomach could be all oiled eels, and you would get nothing from my face and less from my words. It was a constant problem: too much control or no control at all.” 
― Gillian FlynnGone Girl

3) Assume! You make an ass of you and me. You surely do! I have talked about this before (let's be honest I have probably touched on all the above points at some point in some way) NEVER EVER make your thoughts someone else's.  You really have no idea what someone else is doing or saying or thinking, etc. You do not know this because unless that person full on says to you "Hey I feel this..." or "I think this..." Then you do not know.  You can assume until the cows come home but in the end all you have is a basket full of your fictitious creations.  Assuming is very different than what if by the way.  Assuming is this: You hear a friend of yours speaking poorly about someone and you assume that she speaks the same way about you and you stop talking to her because of your assumption.  Assuming comes from being treated poorly by shit people in this world I know.  But, you must have faith that there are good people in this world and that you deserve the best. Never settle for anything less. The truth is there are billions upon billions of reasons why people act the way they act and why and when and blah, blah, blah...if you start to assume that you actually know what everyone is doing and why all the time you are first of all wrong and second of all severely limiting your understanding of others.  The truth of the matter is you can assume you know someone and what they are thinking and you could NOT BE MORE WRONG.  Ask.  That is the answer to all things.  Ask! Even when you think you know the answer.  Ask.  When you are afraid of the answer.  ASK! Asking is the only sure fire way you can truly know what is going on in your relationships with others.  Ask and there will be no more fictitious realities hindering you.  I believe that people do not ask and just assume because they are petrified that asking will set them free.  Don;t be afraid of the answer, if some jerk tells you something negative they have in their head about you consider yourself VERY LUCKY to have found out they are a total dick and not worthy of your friendship for making you feel this way. Don't let your assumptions bully you.  Yes, the truth is often hard to hear and you will not always understand the truth.  A classic example is my dear friend who always assumes a million and one reasons for her man's poor actions instead of just realizing that he is not the man that is right for her.  Assuming is a dangerous game.  Assuming can make you believe false truths about yourself and your situation.  BREAK THROUGH and join reality!! I promise you it is MUCH better over here with real bonds and happiness than it ever was in your assumed world.  I guarantee.

“One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.” 
― Michael J. Fox

Perhaps it is my upcoming 32nd year of life, my new incredible flourishing healthy relationship with The American, my realization of true friendship through my friends the past year and a half (having grown stronger bonds with long term friends and new bonds all together), my father's failing health, my realization of how incredibly lucky I am to have my family everyday.  I am not sure what caused these revelations and my new perspective on friendships and adult bullying.  BUT, what I do know is that the moment you recognize that you are not responsible for the way others treat you than you will be happier.  When you stop making up excuses as to why people treat you poorly and just realize that they are not worthy of you you will be happier.  The second you realize that you are worth love.  Just you.  Just the way you are.  Not wealthier, not smarter, not prettier NOT if you give more.  Just you.  You exactly the way you are deserve to have friendships and love that are based on mutual effort.  You will be happier.  Quit wasting your life on those who do not deserve you.  WE ALL deserve to live our lives.  We all deserve to do things for ourselves.  It is NOT selfish to want to be happy and do what makes you smile.  In fact it is selfish of others to demand that you live in misery for their happiness.  It is your life, start living it. You have nothing to feel guilty about, you have nothing to fear, you have nothing to lose.  Stop sacrificing your happiness out of fear of rejection, fear of judgement, fear of failure.  There is nothing to fear. FALL PASSIONATELY IN LOVE WITH YOUR LIFE AND WITH YOURSELF! Until next week.  XO

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Dating for all the WRONG reasons

So, I recently had a conversation with the fabulous Ms. K (every week actually we have long conversations) and she said her man said "You're my dream girl" which of course I threw up a little bit in my metaphorical mouth because that is what the infamous Mr. X use to say to me all the time.  This really got me to thinking about him for a moment and I had a revelation about him.  I was never his dream girl, in fact, I highly doubt anyone is, but I was a girl and he had an idea and well, good enough.  What I mean is he was never really in love with me but the idea of having met his dream girl to build his dream future with. Therefore the following are relationships I have seen time and time again, that really need to be evaluated in the concepts of love, I mean I find myself seriously questioning the level of actual love for each other when love is forced out of circumstance.

"If you liked it then you should of put a ring on it."

1) I have to recant a rather hilarious story here Mr. X's sister's engagement proposal.  Which happened in a jewelry store (you must picture a rather tall, intimidating, demanding woman and an average man for this) as she picked out the ring, most likely demanded the ring.  He bought it in front of her end of romantic right?? I say hilarious because it is tales like this that just make me shake my head at the loss of romance over the desire to wed. But, when you are raised in a home where finding true love and settling down is top priority it is no surprise forceful moments like this are the moment you can forever reflect on as the day he popped the question.  AND we all know I am not the marrying type (although this does not mean I do not want to share my life adventure with someone who makes me truly happy, I just don't need a ring to do it).  It is moments like these, moments where women tell me ALL they have ever wanted from life is to get married that make me wonder if they are truly being picky enough.  That is right BE PICKY I say.  Did you know that marriage is suppose to be forever?  Don't just rush into something with someone because you have been dreaming of a white wedding your entire existence.  You will only have your dream life if you are actually with your dream person.  I think we see this over, and over, and over again as more and more people have short lived unions and are remarried and divorced several times.  SLOW DOWN.  I once worked with a woman who was on her fourth marriage before the age of 30, I am not judging at all, but what I am saying is if more TIME and more evaluation of your relationship would probably decrease your unions.   A wedding is a lot of fun I am sure, it is all about love, and you, and whatever else you want it to be but you really need to ask yourself if you are actually IN LOVE with your partner or just the idea of them.  Is it the idea of having a husband that keeps you with your mate or is it your actual mate.  I have to be honest the entire time I spent with Mr. X (3 and a half long years) made me realize he was actually really just putting up with me most of the time under the hopes that I fit into his ideals enough to tie the knot and make babies.  I was living in the shadow of his dreams and had pretty much given up my own.  I had decided that I could put my life on the back burner so that his life could shine.  How incredibly foolish of me! Thankfully all that sh*t hit the fan and the freedom to find myself made me realize that love needs to be about the here and now, the feelings, the rush, the passion and the moment NOT what the person might be, nor how they might change.  Love the person you are with for who they are and how they make you feel.  This settling into unhappy marriages is why I believe marriage has such a terrible stigma in popular culture for making people miserable.

 Gloria Steinem  

2)Baby button ON! Okay I am just going to apologize right now to any women who read this and are offended.  But, I have heard TOO many women say that all they want is a baby.  They don't really care who it is with or if they are in the picture.  HOWEVER! These said women who claim NOT to care if the father is around or not then proceed to jump through hopes to keep the fathers around.  I see these relationships and they break my heart because they are loveless and worse they involve a child.  It is fine if you want to settle for a loveless union for your own self serving notions but don't make a child grow up in one.  Also, on the other side I have heard women both raised in households with morther looking for a new "baby daddy" and women just out looking for men they think would make great "baby daddy's" for their child without really any regard for if they actually love the person.  My one friend was saying it was very hard on her growing up because her mom was constantly dating trying to find them a father.  Uuuuuuummmmm, here is an idea love someone for who they are and love your children more.  That is it.  Don't love a man because you want to force them into a family because they treat your children well but treat you like dirt, don't love a man because you think they might be a good father (WHILE being a terrible partner to you), don't love them because they might take on parenting with you.  Love for the sake of loving someone for who they are and what they are NOT anything else. I know I have no experience with children BUT I do have experience watching these catastrophic relationships unravel and what they have done to the children who grew up in these situations and I am telling you fall in love for the right reasons.  I have literally heard friends say "But, he is such a good dad" while all the while being also a really great cheater and douche.  Here is the thing, if you think your child is not watching how your partner treats you and learning from that you are an idiot.  Children are sponges, they learn how men treat women first from watching their parents.  Don't force a family on anyone, I am NOT saying don't collect child support.  If you want to be intimate the reality is you might make a baby, if you do the crime that you might do the time.  Which means I fully support child support, and I have heard too many men complain about women making them pay child support.  Well, guess what?  If you don't want to pay child support, then don't have unprotected sex.  End of story.  Babies are a possible end result of sex.  Mostly though don't use your child as a reason to stay with anyone, children are not a reason to force a loveless union ever.  Lastly I know incredible single parents and shared divorced couples that are doing amazing at raising their children.

"Today, one-third of American children – a total of 15 million – are being raised without a father. Nearly five million more children live without a mother."


3) She's a Gold Digger. SO! I recently heard a friend of mine claiming he could not date in his area because the women were in deed after money.  I feel like he is a kind hearted good man and therefore is not creating some story about women as he does want to meet someone to share his life with.  This story on top of the fact that I have been hearing women lately talk about finances and not dating due to certain financial losses involved and it got me to wondering.  As we can see in public media women marry men (much, much, much, much older) than them for money.  And, I have seen women spend their husband's money like it is going out of style! And I am not saying marry some poor schmuck to prove you are not a gold digger, not at all! I am saying marry for love NOT for money! Because in a day in age with such things as prenuptial, and divorce (which is not cheap) marriage can be a financial catastrophe waiting to happen.  In particular given common law rights and all that jazz, you should really be certain you are with the one you love because you truly love them, not their check book.  In my relationship with Mr. X I often was financially stuck to him.  Literally I had created a situation where I could not move or leave him financially.  I was completely codependent on him.  In moments like this in life you truly question if you are in the right spot with the right person.  Be sure you are with the person you want to be with because you actually want to be with them.  Not, because you are financially dependent.  The best feeling in the world is being financially independent and not trapped with someone you don't really love because you want to spend their money.  Be sure that your partner is with you because they want to be with you as well, if you are always paying for everything and you get the feeling that she does not care about you...then you are probably right.  Cut lose the gold diggers and find someone who actually cares about you, not your money.

"Holler we want prenup, we want prenup, ya." 
-Kanye West

4) Time to Settle.  Uh oh! You are getting older and you are still the feared S word...S....I....N....G....L....E!! What will one do! I have heard too many women as of late say that they are literally petrified of being alone and single.  I feel that these women have never truly taken the time to appreciate their single lives.  Being single is not a bad thing.  Being single is actually a pretty rad thing! But, in a society where everyone is pushing wedding gowns and toddler shoes on women it is no wonder that women begin to panic that they will be ALONE.  SO, in order to avoid this most terrible outcome they settle.  They settle with a person who treats them poorly, who they don't really care about, who they cheat on, and a million other ridiculous outcomes I see all the time.  I just have to shake my head.  Being alone is not bad, in fact being alone is NOT lonely.  Here is the thing while it is lovely to wake up next to someone you care about it is also just as lovely to wake up motivated for a beautiful day! Being single does not mean you suddenly have no one to grow old with, unless somehow you have no friends or family.  Being single means a lot of healthy, amazing things actually.   If you are sticking with someone because you are just afraid of being alone than you are with someone for the wrong reasons.  You should be with someone that makes you think about how much you want to be WITH them NOT how the only reason you are with them is because being without them means being alone.  This is ridiculous. This mentality is desperate.

So be with someone you love because you love them.  End of story.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

He is just NOT into you

He Doesn't Like You

If he’s not calling you, it’s because you are not on his mind. If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn't follow through on little things, he will do same for big things. Be aware of this and realize that he’s okay with disappointing you. Don’t be with someone who doesn't do what they say they’re going to do. If he’s choosing not to make a simple effort that would put you at ease and bring harmony to a recurring fight, then he doesn't respect your feelings and needs. “Busy” is another word for “asshole.” “Asshole” is another word for the guy you’re dating. You deserve a fucking phone call.” 
― Greg Behrendt

Partially out of exhaustion and partly because this is lingering on my mind I am writing about the tell tale signs that a guy is just straight up NOT INTERESTED.  Seriously, I have to tell you guys you would make life SO MUCH EASIER if you just manned up and said "I am not interested."  Because TRUST me women do not get the blatant hint that you have given up on them.  Disillusioned hope of romance fueled by a life time of happily ever after tales, and extreme fear of being alone, or worse having to start fresh with someone new keeps strong, beautiful women with men that treat them like last week's garbage.  So instead of having conversations about life and happiness and the future I am finding myself on the phone for hours upon end week after week having the same conversation with the same women.  The majority of them constantly questioning "WHY?" why certain men act the way they do.  I am going to tell you the one thing you really need to know to be happy in this world.  Some people are just careless assholes.  If you do not understand them then that is a good thing, that means you are not an asshole.  Some men (and women of course) are just mean, they are pessimistic, they will suck the life out of you.  If you give them an inch they will destroy you for a mile.  That is the way of the world.  There fore the following are three signs that he DOES NOT LIKE YOU, and that you need to move on.

"I'm about to make a wild, extreme and severe relationship rule: the word busy is a load of crap and is most often used by assholes. The word "busy" is the relationship Weapon of Mass Destruction. It seems like a good excuse, but in fact in every silo you uncover, all you're going to find is a man who didn't care enough to call. Remember men are never to busy to get what they want.” 
― Greg Behrendt

1) He is not calling you.  Seriously one would think that ignoring someone and not calling when you say you are going to would be enough of a sign for women to move on.  BUT! I am here to tell you it is not.  Women for some odd reason have too much hope in love to take someone continuously not calling as a hint (even though while I am writing this I can see that it should be taken for what it is and moved away from).  Women that I spoke to had a million and one reasons for why a man might not be able to call, or how he might be feeling, LET ME TELL YOU THE TRUTH.  The truth is all the reasons that women fathom in their pretty little heads in regards to men's actions are just excuses.  They are excuses that these women want to believe so badly that they not only tell themselves but they also tell everyone else.  They are excuses that they would much rather believe rather than he is just not into you.  This kind of treatment is always hurtful of course, no one likes to be ignored or rejected.  But, let's face it there is not going to be some kind of dating revolution where people wake up one day and realize that if they just openly and honestly say "I am sorry this is not working" that the ending of the situation does not need to be so difficult.  I wish.  However, we live in the here and now and in this present day situation men ignore women to let them know they are both losing and have lost interest.  In the example of Ms. K, Ms. M and Ms. J (and myself of course) have experienced this shift in men.  One day you are able to text him and chat freely, it is so fun getting to know one another and you look forward to the blinking light on your cell indicating his response.  But, then one day you notice a shift.  This shift I could argue is the beginning of the end.  He slowly stops responding, he gets irritated when you bother him at work, suddenly all the things he use to say and do cease to exist and you are clinging on to him for dear life because this cannot be another botched attempt at romance.  Not his time, you love him too much and you have been through so much together.  But, most importantly you certainly can not be....ALONE! So, instead of realizing you lost him you hang on to him and force him to be with you by trying harder, and harder, and harder...until one day you wake up day after day more miserable than the one before but hey, at least you are not alone.  WAKE UP! And, please realize that if he is not calling you and putting effort in than he truly is not that into you PERIOD.  Of course I know there are some women out there that are reading this thinking BUT HE SAYS HE LOVES ME, the truth of the matter is we can all say whatever we want, it does not make it true.  What he says once in a blue moon to you does not make up for the weeks, upon weeks, of sh*t treatment you endure for him.  Get over him.

“Here's something else to think about: calling when you say you're going to is the very first brick in the house you are building of love and trust. If he can't lay this one stupid brick down, you ain't never gonna have a house baby, and it's cold outside.” 
― Greg BehrendtHe's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys

2) Hide and Seek! So here is the thing if you are with a guy and he hides things from you like constantly covering his phone and freaks if you get one foot near his computer.  Than he probably has secrets.  And, those secrets are most likely other women, or perhaps that he bad mouths you on the regular, or is a serial killer I am not sure, but I am sure that if your lover is keeping secrets from you it is not a good thing.   Lunachick confession: I have too often found secret women in my men's electronic media communications because I read their personal messages.  AND! When I confronted them about these women they actually tried to tell me that they did not tell me about these women because they do not mean anything and they did not want to upset me.  YA RIGHT! One of them told me they were worried I would over clearly lying to me thinking I would never find out the truth is the best option.....NOT! Honesty is the best policy.  If you find that your man is hiding other women than they are NOT interested in you.  I will tell you why, men are actually like women when they fall for someone.  I do not mean they are the same in the way they process emotions or express them, no, not at all.  But, I mean that men when they fall for a woman do NOT screw around.  They do not even lead other women on.  DO NOT be fooled by men that try and tell you that they just are "nice" to those girls and they get the wrong idea...ya f*cking right.  If his day doesn't rise and set with you than the truth of the matter is that he is not falling for you.  In fact if he has time to build up a wealth of women than he is really not into you! And, we can all think of a million excuses..."Once he gets to know me he will pick me," "That is just the way he is" BUT all these excuses end in the same ending don't they?  They all end with "one day he will change."  No he won't, and you know why he won't?  Because he does not care about you.  Sorry, this is a hard thing to digest.  It was very hard for me to understand for a very long time too.  People are going to not care about you, people are going to fall out of love with you, and it is going to hurt.  But! Losing these people just makes room for the right ones and happiness.  Secrets are not a girls best friend in the game of love so if he is full of them walk away.

"A man who wants to make a relationship work will move mountains to keep the
woman he loves” 
― Greg BehrendtHe's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys

3) Who are you? Who-who-who-who-who? Now these are excellent lyrics to old rock in roll but they are not good lyrics in your love song when uttered from his friends and family.  If his social networks have no idea who you are then he probably has not introduced you and also probably has not talked about you.  Both of which are not good signs.  If his friends and family have no clue you exist than he is not into you.  Think about it, when you are into someone you spend a lot of time with them and converse about said time with at least one of your friends.  Therefore if you are seeing someone for a while and they do not show you off a little be weary.  This is a clear indicator they are not that into you.  If they are into you they would be excited to be with you.  They would tell at least someone so if you are his little hidden hook up than you need to come to terms with the fact that this may be all you will ever be.  This is also a hard thing to understand, but if your lover is not singing from the roof tops that you two are knocking boots than it is time for your boots to start walking.  We live in an age in time where women have become accustom to, or rather, adapted to men treating them shabbily and instead of getting the hint that they are not the one  we are meant to be dating.  We think of millions upon millions of excuses for their situation that they want so desperately to believe.  In return these men treat us increasingly worse and we become more desperate, and for what?  Why do so many women I see have a fear of being alone?  Why do so many women I see stay with men who make them miserable everyday rather than find happiness on their own? Why are so many women disillusioned by the hopes of romance?  Quit lying to yourself and see that if your lover is not introducing to you to anyone it is a sign that he does not see you as dating material and do yourself a favor and move on.

“Don’t spend your time on and give your heart to any guy who makes you wonder about anything related to his feelings for you” 
― Greg BehrendtHe's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys

Tough love! Sorry if this advice is harsh but I am not doing you any favors by candy coating the reality of rejection.  Rejection will always be hard.  It will always hurt BUT it also always leads to a better life situation.  I know dating is complicated and reading someone's mind because they waiver from ignoring you to loving you is complicated..OR NOT!  Or just realize that if that person really meant I love you they would not spend the majority of time treating you like sh*t.  Living in reality is healthier and while you may think reality is skeptical from reading this it is NOT, reality is full of real possibilities and optimism.  But, you are seriously being foolish living in your own reality that no one else agrees with but you, and honestly you come across as a lunachick.  So, instead of crying over spilled milk, pour yourself a new glass of milk and by new glass of milk I mean pour yourself an even larger glass of a new chapter in your life called happiness.  Do not dwell on the past, the past is the past for reason.  There is no time travelling back to a time where your lover was acting interested in you.  When the flame dies out, it is dead.  You may be able to breath a moments worth of life into it's deflated lifeless lungs but those breaths will only keep your love unnaturally alive for a while, soon it will erode again with the same issues because the truth of the matter is, when the love is gone it is gone.  It is not coming back.  It faded for a reason, and while if you have managed to find someone who keeps your love a float that is wonderful, but if you are clinging to MR. COULDNOTBEMORENOTINTERESTED give yourself a break, and give him a break and be the person you are meant to be not the person clinging onto someone you are not meant to be with.  The truth is he is trying his darnedest to get rid of you in his really sh*tty way (remember Mr. X said that he never broke up with women he just treated them poorly until they would leave him because he hated break ups) so holding on because you are delusional that he is the one is actually not doing anyone any favors (I would know, I have held on for years when I should have walked away).  My best advice to you is:  Let him go, he is just as miserable as you are.  Thanks for reading! Until next week! XO