So you may have guessed from the obvious title that yes HD kicked me to the curb. And, while I am sure he thought he was doing me a favor feeding me b#llshit excuses in the end there is actually only one reason. He just wasn't into me. The following are three break up excuses I would like to blow holes through.
1) It's me not you, is just about as bad as I don't want to hurt you. The only thing HD and men like him don't want is to continue dating you. They use this excuse to take the blame. And, maybe it is because they are nice but more likely it is because if they spoke the truth and said "Hey, you're great but I am not interested" they might die from an overload of reality.
2) I don't know what I want. Oh he knows. Just like he knows what he wants to eat for breakfast in the morning. And, yes I have time and time again fallen for this stupid line and pressed to see where things go only to hear it again because I may not be smart when it comes to matters of the heart. Men know what they want, and what they want is to not date you.
3) I really like you but...if you hear this just hang up or don't read past the but. Trust me if he actually liked you he wouldn't follow it with some lame break up line. In fact if he likes you he will move mountains to be with you, not construct mountains between you. Men say they like you so they look like the good guy. Because to say "I don't like you" aka the truth is beyond the men I date. To be honest and just say what they actually mean is apparently impossible. Therefore saying the exact opposite of what they feel makes perfect sense.
Recap: where to begin with my latest failure. I once again forgot I don't need to win someone over the right person will not need that kind of treatment. Basically HD led me to believe he was ready to have a relationship with me when he wasn't. Important to note he is most likely ready for a relationship, the issue is the with me. The more I think about it most things about him were a lie, from his profile to god knows what. But, he sure was pretty. Don't worry while I am irritated I won't give up. Still have a few fish on the back burner I kept for a rainy day. A girl has got to keep her options open after all. Thanks for reading!! XO