Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Men = Inconsiderate, Got it.

-          Unknown

It is right around the time that I am comfortable, and forget the cruelty of the opposite sex, that I am reminded never get to comfortable.  My latest reminder that men are not what they appear to be went like this.  When I lived in Podung No Where on Vancouver Island I was friends with a very handsome, respectable man, we will call him Mr. NotCool.  Despite being ridiculously sullen and dull at times Mr. Not Cool was a great guy.  He has baggage being 30, divorced with a kid but I always thought he had a high level of regard for women and himself, he always dated high class women who were not party girls and treated women very well.  Now I can say my impression of him has completely changed, see during this time I also befriended a very wild party girl; she is also extremely sexually liberated and cheats on her boyfriend every weekend.  I think you can see where this is going.  Yep, they hooked up this weekend and I am appalled.  My opinion of Mr. NotCool totally changed because I always thought that had very fine taste in women and also because I never thought he was the type of scum to fool around with someone else’s love.   BUT this instance made me remember men are NOT what they appear to be.  They do only really care about one thing, this impression was only further burned into my memory as I began to think of all the bunk things my male friends, lovers, boyfriends and coworkers have done over the years.  I am sorry to say that men are inconsiderate, do not ever forget that.

I was recently having a conversation with Ms.K (this conversation happens about once a week I should fill you in) and she was saying again how she felt much underappreciated and wanted a higher level of consideration from her man.  Then it donned on me, this seems to be the complaint, including by me, of all women in regards to all men.  Men are inconsiderate.  So this is what I told her:

“Just as all women are crazy, all men are inconsiderate.  You will never be happy wanting to change the one you are with, they only answer is to find a man whose level of inconsideration you can live with and go from there”

My advice is always the same for men, except instead of inconsiderate I replace it with crazy for women.  There is no PERFECT being out there that is going to some little thing that bothers you.  I know I am crazy, I have an awful temper, and I can be very bossy and love getting my own way, all personality faults I am working on.  But, I also have some amazing personality traits that make up for my faults, it is about balance, and it is about finding a man, woman, or whatever makes you happy that you find that balance in.  BUT you are NOT in balance if you are continuously feeling unhappy, neglected, etc. any negative feelings you have repeatedly means that you are out of balance.  Do not be with someone you want to change to get into balance either, being with someone in the hopes they will change is futile.  Also, it is not your place to change someone, they may be perfectly happy the way they are, and there may be someone out there that would love them just that way, so who are you to change them? Also, in return there may be someone doing the exact same thing to the person that is just right for you.  So just let men be inconsiderate and do yourself a favour, do not forget it.

Something that really bothered me during this revelation was the amount of excuses I heard from men while telling them about their inconsiderate ways.  They had a million excuses but the main one was that they just did not know any better.  Let me call BULL SHIT right now on that.  Really my friend Mr. Suit told me he was not coming to my bday because he had to go to an older friend’s bday because his 21 year old daughter was bringing her friends.  (In the end he did come to my bday after a slightly heated discussion) BUT! You cannot tell me that telling your friend that:

a) That you are not coming to her bday that she invited you to a month ago is considerate in any way.

b) That telling said friend that you are doing so for someone else’s bday is any more considerate.

c) That telling said friend that you are doing so because there is a chance to hook up with women a decade younger than you is not CREEPY and inconsiderate.

There is NO WAY men do not know.  Another example Ms.K told me her man will not answer her calls when he does not feel like talking to her.  There is NO WAY telling someone you intentionally ignore their calls when they are upset is considerate in anyway.

Men know.  It is common courtesy, so instead of trying to fill me up with excuses why don’t men just come clean and own it? According to most literature out there the main reason men lie about their actions is because they do not want to hurt your feelings.  The other top three reasons are:

 1) They do not want drama

2) They perceive no benefit from the truth.

3) They want to impress you.

I noticed in my research not once did I see “Men lie because they do not know any better” NOPE.  Because they do know better, and they know exactly what they are doing when they do it.  So here is my advice to men if any read this and just my opinion to my female readers of what would work better than pleading ignorance.  If a man is inconsiderate to me he should just say “You know what, I am sorry, I was inconsiderate” AMAZING!! All would be forgiven.  Honesty, sincerity, effort, all in that statement, it is beautiful.  But, it NEVER happens; men instead make a million excuses. 

“Oh I was inconsiderate because I did not know….”

“Oh I was inconsiderate because I was tired…”

“…because I was hungry…”

“….because I you did…”

“…because I had a bad day…”

The thing is you were inconsiderate just because you were.  I am tired of excuses, I am bored of lies, I am exhausted from trying to get the simple “That was inconsiderate, I apologize” IT IS SO SIMPLE.

Men are so wrapped up in trying not to hurt women with their deceit what they do not realize is that is what is actually hurting us the most.  Do you know how it makes me feel when a man tells me he has to lie to me? It makes me feel faulted, like I am not someone who can handle the truth.  It makes me feel hurt; it makes me feel a million shitty things that simply the truth would not have made me feel at all.  Another bizarre chain reaction that men and women both hate is NEEDINESS!! I blogged about this a while back now, see men lie, then they admit to a lie but instead of  making things better it makes things worse.  Women get crazy because then they see deceit everywhere, they cling to their man, they go bonkers, see in the situation with Ms. K now she has no idea if her man is actually busy or just ignoring her.  In an ideal world men would be honest with women and all this mess could just be avoided.  In fact the four reasons men lie to women listed above would actually be avoided with simple kind truth.  No lies, no deception, just honesty.  Now, when I say honesty I do not mean “I cheated on you because you are fat” That is cruelty! That is bastardry. Honesty as in “I did this because I did, and I am sorry” that is honesty, that is purity without blame, without hatred, without strings attached.  But, somehow we try and date in a world that is strung together by lies and deceit and men pretending to be something they are not, misleading their pretty little prey into the lion’s den. 

One last rant here, text messaging is NOT an acceptable form of honesty.  If you would like to say something to someone and you actually care about how they take it, say it to their face.  Ms. J recently got dumped in a text message, and my two last dating scenarios faced a similar fate.  There is nothing more unsettling than reading an emotionless text and thinking that is what you are worth.  Grow up, have an adult conversation with a woman if you are not interested, chances are nine times out of ten, she is going to respect you for it and say good bye.  My apologies for the one in ten mentally unstable woman that may go into hysterics and throw a vase at your head.    

This week is a complicated week.  I would say I was half successful on my man hiatus.  It is always when you are not wanting anything to do with men, and are reminded of their level of awfulness that a few will crawl out of the wood work onto your path.  Tread carefully I warn myself.  One is Mr. Kind, he is a friend of a friend, a very nice guy, or is he? We met on Friday at my good friend’s place, so he is friend material and that is it for now, as I am not foolish enough to be reminded of douchbaggery and on the same day forget all about it and jump into dating.  The second is Mr. Yukon, he is an associate of Ms. J’s work, he only comes to town periodically, he is very young, very rich, very charming, very handsome, very fun, but with all those elements he is probably also very dangerous so he maintains at texting level.   As for Mr. Elevator he is a continued fixture of my love life, we are on a good page of just hanging out and not rushing anything but also not on a serious note.  Basically at this point I do not want to exclude getting to know any man on a superficial level but really would have to date them for a LONG, LONG, LONG time before I am in any head set to feel they are not going to turn out to be the worst thing that ever happened to me.  Totally jaded this week sorry readers, but it seems when you are the most convinced of the worst that the best will happen.  Also, I have been running every day and cut out gluten from my diet so I am feeling great, I also have work this week in a law firm so life is an amazing gift, and often a better enjoyed gift by myself.  Thanks for reading!

P.S for all the men reading this I do not have PMS, this is the truth!


Picture One:

Picture Two:


Picture Three:

Picture Four:

Picture Five:


“Decoding Male Behaviour: Why Men Lie” http://www.anewmode.com/dating-relationships/why-do-men-lie-2/

“Why Are Men So Inconsiderate?” http://forum.baby-gaga.com/about1813910.html

“Real Men Do Not Pretend or Even Try to Understand Women” http://www.torontosnumber1datedoctor.com/NEWSLETTER%20ARTICLES/mystery.html


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

5 Suggested Steps to Get Over Your Mr. X

“Sometimes we must undergo hardships, breakups, and narcissistic wounds, which shatter the flattering image that we had of ourselves, in order to discover two truths: that we are not who we thought we were; and that the loss of a cherished pleasure is not necessarily the loss of true happiness and well-being. (109)”
Jean-Yves Leloup, Compassion and Meditation: The Spiritual Dynamic between Buddhism and Christianity

This week I received a message from one of my lady friends on the world of Facebook asking how I survived my break up because she was in a similar situation.  I had to really think about it, and it was not so much her question but the fact that three other fine ladies had asked me the same thing recently in the same manner.  I began to think what it was about my particular last break up that made women seeking some answer to their current situation to reach out?  I figured it out, my last break up demolished me, I will just own it.  I was a lost mess, I moved here in my petite car crammed full of things with no place to live and no job only to couch surf on my friends sofas and prayed to one day feel the way I do now.  I get it, I am the prodigal son, sort of speak, for women who are rolling in the wretched aftermath of their break ups.  So, first of all, I am sorry you are hurting, break ups suck, they are the worst.  There is actually nothing but time that is truly going to remedy your current heart ache, but these things that take time are what I did that helped me love myself, love my life and in return become ready to look for love in all the right places. So, I hope it helps.

Step One: Cry it Out!

Here you are, your heart has been wrenched from its comfortable loving position in your chest and you are not sure what to do.  You are so use to being in a relationship, you are accustom to your partner always being there so yes you are lonely, the sad thing is you are going to continue to be lonely.  The hard thing to hear at this point, and trust me I could see people telling me this but I did not believe them, is that everything is going to be okay.  Why did I not hear people?  For a number of reasons, because I believed my heart ache was the worst heart ache ever and no one could understand.  Because everyone thought Mr. X and I were soul mates, he asked me to have his children, thus we were supposed to be forever.  Because I was so hurt and destroyed it was hard to see how life could possibly go back to normal.  I understand this step is the most painful step, so here is how you deal with this immense pain.  Find a way to let it out.  You can cry it out, shout it out, fight it out, chat it out, drink it out, dance it out, or run it out.  After my breakup with Mr. AA I was at the gym on the treadmill and I began to think of all the dreadful things he said and did such as pointing out where I was gaining weight, always talking about younger women being better, all the times he cheated or worse, my blood was on fire and I began to run hard on that treadmill, what I did not realize is that I ran for an hour straight on that treadmill just fueled by the rage that I had towards him.  Incredible to have all that anger and find a great outlet.  So I rage ran for months, the amazing thing was once I was done my run every day I felt fantastic! I got it all out.  So find your outlet and hit it hard, get out all the anger, the pain, the sorrow, the rage, all the emotion you feel towards your Mr. X get it all out. I suggest joining a kickboxing club and imagining certain individuals as your punching bag if you really want a therapeutic outlet for any misplaced anger you are harbouring.  Once you have balanced your emotions than you are ready for step two.  (On a side note your emotions are NOT balanced if you feel yourself crying at romantic songs that you hear at the local Karaoke night, or at his favorite food item in the grocery store, or you also burst into tears if someone on the bus is wearing his cologne, if you have any of these symptoms you need to still let out what you are feeling constructively)

Step Two:  Work it Out!

Now you are probably exhausted from the emotional roller coaster of step one so step two is all about you! What makes you happy? What makes you feel great? What makes you feel sexy?  Do all the things you love! And most importantly do them for yourself.  In this step do the things your Mr. X told you, you would never accomplish because you know you can.  What is very IMPORTANT in this step is that when you do them, do them for you and do NOT call him and tell him about it.  It is important once you have reached this step that you realize there is no going back, there is only going forward and you deserve it! For myself I did the makeover, as pictured in a previous blog, I dyed my red short hair black, got extensions, got my nails done, in fact I went for spa day as I love massages.  I bought a new wardrobe more suited for my city lifestyle.  I also applied for legal assistant jobs, and am currently waiting to hear back this week about them.  So, I am working towards the life that my Mr. X scoffed at and told me I would never have.  And, you know what?  I have it.  I love where I live, I love my new look, I love my current job that is coming to an end because it was only temp, but it is through this job that I set up all these legal interviews so amazing networking, so it is the beginning of my legal career.  If you have always wanted to paint, sing, run a marathon, actually make that a triathlon, whatever your dreams are and whatever makes you feel good do those things everyday and enjoy doing them. 

Step Three:  Get Out and Stay Out!

There is nothing worse than moping around thinking about things that you could have done differently.  The past is the past and the future is what you make it so step three is now that you have cried it out, then worked it out, get out and live your life.  Whether it is dancing at the club, roller skating in the park, geocaching at the beach, whatever keeps your mind busy and social! Social being the key word, be around people and be engaged.  I do this very heavy on my girlfriends during my breakups; in fact they are probably reading this thinking that exact same thought.  I call them and hang out with them all the time and it does not even have to be doing something it just has to be in company of someone else.  Why? Because unfortunately you are still lonely.  Girl company is great company and very good to preoccupy your mind from the current situation.  Also, you can be yourself with your lady friends free of judgement which is an important place to be after a hard break up.  For myself I have to be honest my get out and stay out involved a lot of beaches, night clubs and vodka for the entire month of August.  I am not suggesting this therapy to anyone but it was I did.  The amazing thing is that during these first three steps you can be as outlandish and crazy as you want and your friends and family will blame your break up like it is a great reason.  Like all your logic is somehow completely incapacitated by your broken soul and thus you are no longer a rational being.  It is amazing, I literally could eat an entire box of chocolate while drinking an entire bottle of vodka while doing many things in excess and everyone turned a blind eye.  Enjoy this moment, it is the only moment your parents and friends will be on the same page, it is also the only moment they both will not be encouraging you to smarten up, and if you have friends like I do it is also the only moment when your friends and family just sit in silence because they really do not know what to say.  The fact is your friends and family are going through your break up to, they also thought the same things you were thinking and your Mr. X became a fixture in their lives as well.  Also, they love you more than you love yourself and they do not know how to handle your heart ache either.  So be around these people as much as possible, wrap yourself in a blanket of friends and family and love their company because you should not be lonely.  If you are in a responsible position in life and would like than also get a dog, cat, fish, lizard, whatever companion would make you happy.  I have a fat bug (Boston Terrier Pug Cross) best company ever! I strongly suggest getting an animal that will love you as much as you love it and this animal, in particular a dog, will motivate you to get out of the house!  If you are not in a position to do so VOLUNTEER at an animal shelter, or actually now that I am writing this, pretty much volunteering anywhere will be social and make you feel good AND help others!

Step Four: Love yourself!

Alright, the worst is over! You made it to step four! Congratulations, you by this point should be waking up and not cursing the sun for coming up.  In fact you should almost be on the complete mend.  You should be in an emotional stable place and now is the time to realize that you are amazing! Hard to do if you are on step one and reading this, but believe me it will happen.  Fall in love with the person who deserves it most...you! This may take some therapy in the form of music, a person, or literature.  I am not sure what is best for you.  I took a three day intense self development course paired with reading some literature and always music therapy.  Whatever you think it will take for you to believe that you are worth affection and love, because often after the rejection of a break up this kind of self worth is difficult to come by.  Once you know that you are worth the best! And that you are awesome than you are ready for Step Five.

Step Five: Looking for Love in All The RIGHT Places

Now there is really no time definition on when you will be on this step.  As suggest in my original blog 25% of your previous relationship which would actually mean that I have two short sweet months left to be 100 % percent healed but everyone is different and I am feeling pretty great about all things Mr. X related on my part so here is the thing.  Prior to these steps you can absolutely try to find love, but it will not work, if you are in step one, you will be constantly talking about your Mr. X and it will be totally obvious to anyone that you are not ready for anything serious.  Also, it is important to note that you will be putting out a very desperate and slightly crazy vibe and will attract the wrong kind of men, unfortunately I know all about this messy situation.  Moving on to looking for love in step two, you think it is so great when you meet a guy at your Zumba class as you both like to do the same thing.  Guess what you both eat food and breathe oxygen but that does not mean you are ready for him.  You are in the phase where you are searching for your own outlet of happiness, if you find him in it you will latch on to him for dear life because you will equate him with your happiness, it will get messy and you are not ready to be with him yet.  Also, your happy discovery zone should be just yours and keep it that way, maintain your independence in your pursuit for happiness.  However, once you are on this step, step five, absolutely ask the guy at the dog park, zumba, running group for a coffee but not a step sooner! Step Three is a tricky area to meet someone in, because you are heavily reliant on your friends for company and companion ship you may meet a great guy through one of them which is a key to the RIGHT places of this step.  But, if you are only attaching yourself to him than you may be clingy and using him to not feel lonely, so if you meet a guy in step three keep him at a distance until you are done step four, you are only one short step away from five anyways.  Step four you will be doing a lot of soul searching and it may overlap slightly with this step so do not kick yourself if you meet Mr. Right in zone four, do kick yourself however if Mr. Right is your therapist or life coach, because that is blurring a line that should be respected.   Step five = meeting a man either through friends, family or co-worker or your hobbies.  Mr. Elevator and I met at the pub but we were both their for the same birthday party, but never the less a pub so it may be a poor indicator.  Once you have a common ground to meet on and some friends that you can get a little information on him about than you will know if he is good or bad.  It is IMPORTANT to note that I met Mr. X through our mutual close friend and things ended horribly so I am not saying that the correct way to meet a man will result in a good break up, unfortunately nothing can guarantee that, sorry! It is important that you do not meet your new love interest at some seedy pub or at some other casual area as they are most likely not looking for anything like you are.

There you are my ladies, that is all the advice I have.  This worked for me and I hope it works for you.  The most important thing to know is that we have all had our hearts ripped out and we all know what you are going through.  Also, you have survived the worst  and you are still trying, and that is amazing in itself, never give up on you!  And, if it makes you feel better it is a widely accepted phenomena that men deal with break ups far worse than women, (will an issue covered in a future blog) so on your worse day you may take some comfort that he most likely feels worse.  All my best on your speedy recover!
What is interesting is while writing this blog about break up survival Mr. Elevator decided to end things with me.  Fortunately given our short lived fling that I do not need to go through the five steps, a month and a bit is not enough time to know someone well enough to have true feelings for them that is not to say that I was not fully enjoying getting to know Mr. Elevator.  According to the break up calculator of 25% I would only need 9 short sweet days, and seeing as how today would be day 5, four more to go, piece of cake. But no hard feelings for Mr. Elevator he is kind, funny, attractive and has a great job so those are all qualities that are admirable in a man.  But, I made him feel claustrophobic, which is understandable as I am a planner.  I love to plan, it makes me feel comfortable, so when we were together I would like to make plans for our next date, but this can be overwhelming for someone wanting to not rush into anything serious.  So in the end I wish him all the best and understand that not all people are able to get to know each other, it is just not humanly possible.  Also, in the end I have learned something, while I can be a planner in all other aspects of life when it comes to men I should not be, I should just let them chase me and make the plans, life lesson learnt. (On a side note, he did ask for space but I have found it is always best to assume that this means the worst, that he is taking the nice guy way out of ending things. What I have come to realize is that expecting the worst and carrying on creates the situation that you will not be disappointed if that is the outcome and if the outcome is different well then you will be pleasantly surprised. To all  you advocates of ‘The Secret’ I am not saying do not think positively, but rather, think positively about the end and what that means for you rather than swimming in a sea of hope and denial. ) The important thing is to know that worrying, overthinking, over analyzing, etc  will just drive you insane things end because they just do.  Flings die out, people grow apart, relationships get old, and marriages crumble at the end of the day accepting the end is the healthiest thing that you can do.  Accepting the end of something that you worked at can be hard but for every end there is a new beginning.  More importantly these ends lead you to be able to focus on your life and make it all you want it to be.  For myself this particular end leads me back to day one of this 180 day hiatus! And with any luck success at completing it.  Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The Make Up/Break Up Cycle...Will It Ever End??

“Round and round and round we go Where it stops don't no one know” - Tom Cochrane (Washed Away Lyrics)
Sadly this week has been the grand finale of relationships for 50 percent of the ladies I usually blog about, Ms. J and Ms. M. It is with the end of these two relationships ranging from around 2 months to over 4 years that the trend of break up remorse and the continued pattern of the makeup break up cycle becomes apparent, that is not to say that either of these two fine ladies is going to get back together with their men, but the fact that both of them wanted to made me think about all those couples out there that do the makeup, break up dance or the fight, threaten break up but then stay together shuffle, and trust me I have been guilty of this on many occasion. What is it about a break up that makes us want our ex back even if they have cheated and mistreated us or the opposite? One day you are firm in your conviction, you are no longer in love, you will be happier without them so you take the brave plunge and end things but then the next you are a sobbing mess asking your ex to take you back. This type of behaviour has been attributed to the societal projections of what relationships should be like. Think about it. While I myself do not enjoy romantic movies many of my lady friends just love them! Ms. K being one who adamantly watches romantic movies. Have you ever watched a romantic film that did not go like this: Scene 1: Boy meets girl and immediately knows he loves her madly and therefore does something ridiculously romantic to win over girls affection. Scene 2: Boy and girl fall madly in love and want to be together forever after about an average of three dates. Scene 3: Boy does something foolish to burn girl and they break up, or almost break up but it is usually boy does something that is consider faux paux and thus girl gets angry. Scene 4: Boy realizes that losing girl is the end all of his world and does something even more outlandish in the name of love to win her back and they both live happily ever after.
It is no wonder that women have bizarre standards of relationship ebb and flows. “Romeo and Juliet was a relationship that lasted three days between a 13 year old girl and a 16 year old boy and resulted in 6 deaths.” And yet it is works of literature, films and songs that plague our society which mould us into unrealistic love seeking individuals. “In the celluloid world of romantic comedies, shy but decent men get the girl, arguments set up sweet reconciliations, and couples separated by tragedy are always reunited through improbable coincidence. But now researchers are beginning to ask whether the make-believe world projected in "rom-coms" might actually be preventing true love in real life. Last week, researchers at Heriot Watt University's Family and Personal Relationships Laboratory in Edinburgh, which studies best practices in relationship counseling, completed a study of 40 Hollywood romantic comedies released between 1995-2005. They found that problems typically reported by couples in relationship counseling at their counseling center reflect misconceptions about love and romance depicted in Hollywood films.” The idea of romance is such a glorified Hollywood concept that it actually begins to corrupt real life love, it puts pressure on individuals who may have other wise led a very successful relationship. Here is the thing, I am not saying throw your standards of love out the window, but I am suggesting is have a good hard look at those standards and see if they are based on what makes you happy or what you see in movies that make others happy. Also, in your soul searching “ask your grandparents or any older couple that has been married for a long time how they met — chances are, their version of romance and their own love story will trump "The Notebook" and its version of true love and romance.” Now here is how real relationships typically pan out: Scene 1: Boy meets girl at a club, or at a mutual friends, or just out and about in general. He offers to buy her a drink, or coffee or take her out sometime. Or, AMAZINGLY enough a woman may ask a man out. Scene 2: Boy and Girl go on date and decide that either they will have a second date or not and sometime after several dates they get comfortable and fall into the first stages of love Scene 3: Boy or girl get into argument about something either trivial or serious and there is a threat of a break up or a break up. This fight can also oddly enough be started by either party and can be about something the woman or man has done. Scene 4: They break up (and is not pretty) Scene 5: They stay broken up. ALTERNATIVE ENDING: Scene 5: They realize what they just lost and that the threat or the break up is too much and say romantic things to remedy the situation in an emotional time that they most likely do not mean 100 percent of the time.
It is really no mystery that this later sequence of events is not a blockbuster hit. But there comes a time in a relationship where a woman will realize that her man has not followed the relationship protocol of the Notebook and done has not for some reason done something over the top romantic so she will create a fight in order to feel the sweet nothings she gets after she has poked the bear. “she'll start nagging, bothering, acting pissed and starting fights in an attempt to get him to revive it. Women are biologically programmed to seek this out in men.” The thing is that the sooner you realize your life is not, nor will it ever be a Hollywood movie or romantic novel the better off you will be. You live in reality, in reality men care for their women the best way they know how, they do not communicate like women do, they do not grow up thinking that love will conquer all, they are programmed as men are programmed and to expect them to perform grandeur acts of love is absurd. “We live in a world where sex and relationships are all talked about and viewed differently. Many women look to Hollywood for insights, and the ones they are given aren't good. Celebrities are hardly role models for love and life, and remembering that can save you a lot of disappointment and heartache in the future.” Thus stop threatening to, or breaking up with your man if your reasoning is that he is not the romantic knight in shinning armour that you have been waiting for, you are not a princess, you do not live in a castle protected by a dragon, you are a regular girl in a regular role so start accepting that men are not princes. “If a man does not show outrageous displays of his feelings for you, there is probably a good chance that he does love you very much. Not all men are flamboyant when showing that they love someone.”
It is after the dramatic break up that women begin to realize their men are not chasing after them as they anticipated. This can result in two actions, the woman can go totally crazy and tell the man how incredibly awful he is, or she can try and win him back which is often also misconstrued as craz, there is possible a third option of quietly moving on but I rarely see that happen, and by rarely I actually mean never. Also, on the rare occasion the man changes his mind and does try and win over the exgirlfriend but trust me in the amount of break ups I have seen and have been part of this a very small percentage. So let us say about 25 % of couples make up but it is not the percentage that is conserning what concerns me is the pattern these couples fall into. So, what I want to address is when women return to their man post break up. The thing is that the break up did not actually remedy any of the problems that lead up to it. It was a dramatic event that shut down processing and then kick started back up in the hopes that not dealing with the breaking machinery would fix the problem. So many couples carry on this way, breaking up or threatening at the gliches, then hoping back in full of gliches and trying to keep going. The thing is that in the relationship vehicle of life if the gear shift comes out and you think “well no big deal we can just coast in neutral”... until the steering wheel comes off and you think “that is okay we will see where it takes us”... then the tires fall off and you are just sitting in an old broken down car just as you are in your relationship as nothing is fixed. The main reason why things are not fixed is because you and your partner have realized that you are not going anywhere. You have threatened to often or broke up so many times that it is just an empty threat that holds no weight. Your partner knows that he does not need to change and you know you are not going anywhere so you just stay in your ugly little circle of events and call it love, but is it? I have written about this before the cycle of relationships but wanted to get into the make up break up cycle because it is so detrimental, not only does it take complete relevance away from the break up scenario it also lessens your relationship because instead of dealing with your issues and coming to an understand that creates what makes you both happy you stay struggling with the broken car. It often takes a severe wake up call for you to realize this about relationships, and it is not the break up of your break up, make up cycle it has to be something profound, you have to realize that what you have with someone is worth the hashing it out without the threat of a break up or a break up, and that life is not like a movie it is real and it is hard and it takes two. I am not sure where things are headed with Mr. Elevator our talk was not one that defined us as a couple but did make me feel comfortable about dating him. To be honest I have never felt more relaxed dating anyone than Mr. Elevator, he does not question my quirks, he does not have a high expectation of me to recount my every action, he just is. He is kind and interesting and I feel no pressure to be attaining for some goal or defining what we have, it is really the best feeling to have with someone. I use to be the person always searching for definition, always on the hunt for the meaning of everything but not anymore, well at least not for another two months..... Thanks for reading. XOXO
References: http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=pictures+of+circles+and+love+hate&hl=en&tbo=d&rlz=1R2BBKB_enCA507&biw=1280&bih=838&tbm=isch&tbnid=YMOhEjLOrPRe6M:&imgrefurl=http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Love&docid=ODPXNJbOaRER2M&imgurl=http://en.citizendium.org/images/thumb/7/7b/Three_circles_of_love.jpg/300px-Three_circles_of_love.jpg&w=300&h=300&ei=6X3wUL7rG8STiQKKuYDwBA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=199&sig=107452037521408045428&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=138&start=0&ndsp=34&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0,i:118&tx=103&ty=32 http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=picture+of+Romeo+and+Juliet&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-Address&rlz=1I7BBKB_enCA507&biw=1280&bih=838&tbm=isch&tbnid=VWNEt7qD0b576M:&imgrefurl=http://msbeckleysblog.wordpress.com/2012/05/08/romeo-and-juliet-grade-10s/&docid=vjqyuXXOFvduuM&imgurl=http://msbeckleysblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/romeo_juliet-xgt4hj.jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=0n7wUKXGHM7migLhiYGACw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=388&vpy=274&dur=2647&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=133&ty=97&sig=107452037521408045428&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=215&start=0&ndsp=37&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0,i:115 “Are Romantic Movies Bad For You?” Eben Harrell Time Dec 23/2008 “Do Movies Like the Notebook Hurt Relationships?” Christine Vega Technorati Jan 8th 2011 http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=pictures+of+the+notebook&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&rlz=1R2BBKB_enCA507&biw=1280&bih=838&tbm=isch&tbnid=k8Ja8_b2tkeIgM:&imgrefurl=http://technorati.com/lifestyle/article/do-movies-like-the-notebook-hurt/&docid=5FngaNZg6oc51M&imgurl=http://scm-l3.technorati.com/11/01/07/24647/2004-the-notebook-003.jpg&w=1024&h=682&ei=cYrwULq6NcmTiALdzIDQDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=564&vpy=283&dur=1220&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=134&ty=69&sig=107452037521408045428&page=1&tbnh=134&tbnw=208&start=0&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:109 “Why Women Nag, Argue, and Start Fights” Thomas Karanja TRCB.com “Ways Hollywood Affects Views on Dating, and Relationships For Women” Tiffany Bailey Yahoo Voices “Do Movies Like the Notebook Hurt Relationships?” Christine Vega Technorati Jan 8th 2011 http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=pictures+of+women+and+men+with+cars&start=99&hl=en&tbo=d&rlz=1R2BBKB_enCA507&biw=1280&bih=838&tbm=isch&tbnid=xLWcqYpB_AwvUM:&imgrefurl=http://www.motifake.com/tags/women&docid=g1kYSlO9COnBRM&imgurl=http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/small/1206/fear-of-marriage-men-chase-women-dogs-cars-demotivational-posters-1339273443.jpg&w=336&h=337&ei=rI3wUP2NF-OziwKNr4HICQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=242&sig=107452037521408045428&page=4&tbnh=148&tbnw=147&ndsp=37&ved=1t:429,r:25,s:100,i:79&tx=82&ty=103 http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=pictures+of+men+without+shirt&hl=en&tbo=d&rlz=1R2BBKB_enCA507&biw=1280&bih=838&tbm=isch&tbnid=O5Xcn3ZZKbO54M:&imgrefurl=http://weheartit.com/entry/12842302&docid=dyvcu-SWaScnIM&imgurl=http://data.whicdn.com/images/12842302/guy-without-his-shirt-0407-xlv-large-new_large.jpg&w=375&h=500&ei=Uo7wUJK7KM3MigLBw4GoDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=221&sig=107452037521408045428&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=109&start=0&ndsp=44&ved=1t:429,r:27,s:0,i:165&tx=45&ty=41

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Ugly Truth of the Comfort Zone

“I’m dating skid-marks guy. When your boyfriend is so comfortable that he cannot be bothered to wipe his ass, there’s a problem.” – Miranda Hobbes
(1) Recently I noticed my cousin’s teenage son proclaim his love on the wonderful world of Facebook and this is when I began to realize a phenomenon, in particular in high school couples of course but none the less, it was prominent. He was proclaiming his undevoted love his girlfriend and her right back at him two days into their dating proclamation. Ms. J has been dating her man for two months and they are already throwing the L word around liberally and have discussed marriage with kids. Mr. X proclaimed similar words of me being his dream girl and wanting to get married after just one week, and is currently doing the same with his new Ms.X. My advice to anyone who is hell bent on falling in love quickly that your chances of falling out of love just as quickly as you fell in are just as high, if not higher. Perhaps it is more so the thought of love or loving someone that has got your emotions in high gear and not actually the person you are sharing time with. “Love always takes time. You may be madly infatuated by someone you’ve met on a date once, or you may think you’re in love after your first kiss. But it’s not really love at all. It’s just the first stage in several stages of that mushy thing called love.” (2) One should give their relationship until they are at least waste deep in the comfort zone before you shout out your love from the roof tops. If you truly love someone than you will know for sure as your attraction to your mate will be put to the test once they get comfortable enough to be their disgusting selves in front of you.
(3) There is a turning point in all relationships where we sail blissfully into the comfort zone. There is no more awkward laughter with passing of gas, there is carrying on a conversation mid pee with the door open, there is a transition from a normal flawless being to full on embracing all faults. To be blunt I could not be more UNHAPPY about such a thing! There is a moment as you are snuggled up on the sofa drinking your morning tea, waking up, watching some morning telly and out walks your man, who has put on a few pounds lately, with his fur coating of chest and back hair that is very pronounced in the day light as the sun sparkles off the twisted curly hairs he refuses to shave off with pride, with his bed head and scruffy unshaved face and as you watch him as he scrunches up his forehead to add ten years and he vigorously cleans his ear wax out with a Qtip and then stares at the tip and then cleans it out again that you begin to question whether you will ever be turned on by this creature standing in front of you again. What a relief when he returns to the bathroom only to return with his little flossing tool and flosses in front of you while asking you what the plan is for the day. (Insert disgusted face here of disapproval) The comfort zone is an ugly place in my personal opinion. It is not to say that I do not perform the same actions as said man above, hopefully with significantly less body hair, but what I am saying is that when I perform my daily grooming routine I do so behind closed doors. I am not entirely sure what happens to us in our relationships that makes us so compelled to be around our partners 24 hours a day that we cannot even empty our bladders without their presence, but it is strange. It is right around the time your girlfriend is telling you that her boyfriend is no longer attracted to her or has a wandering eye while perched on the porcelain throne whilst shaving her underarms that you begin to suspect their maybe a method to his madness. Let’s face it, unless you have some unique fetishes, flossing, bowel or bladder movement, ear cleaning, nose picking, passing gas, shaving, picking blemishes, etc are never sexy. “ I know a lot of people take honor in being this comfortable with each other and really, it’s not that big of a deal but it’s just one more thing that takes away from the intimacy. Unless you’re getting a golden shower – I say keep the door closed. It will make your “showers” more special too…! Also while I’m here, no peeing in the shower together unless of course it’s a golden shower! Hot pee smells likes stale buttered popcorn – please, spare your mate.” (4) Thus if you want to continue being considered a desired being try doing these things, if you must, in the privacy of your own bathroom. On a side note: this also should be taken into consideration for when your partner is in the shower or bath tub, many a time I have been hunched over, accentuating less than flattering body bulges while shaving and been surprised by my partner who is excited. Like some erotic movie or pornography they have this image of me all soaped up and anticipating their arrival. Let me inform you if anyone wants you to join them in their bathing element they will invite you, it is not a good idea to just surprise someone in the midst of their bathing rituals, cause it ain’t all pretty. “Preserve a degree of mystery and intrigue during the early stages of the relationship. If you and your boyfriend get in the mood for a sexy shower, don’t take a time-out to shave your legs. No matter how annoying that popcorn kernel stuck between your teeth is, extract it in the bathroom and not while lying next to your honey in bed. Keeping private acts private is about making your partner feel special—and not like your college roommate.” (5)
(6) In fact my bathing rituals have actually become something I very much enjoy doing privately. It gives me time to think, reflect, sing, pretend to accept the Grammy awards in front of the mirror and all the blissful things one can do under their own supervision. I am not a person who enters the comfort zone and needs to have my lover see my everything. Of course I for certain enter the comfort zone in the fact that make up is not needed at every second of every day and sweat pants become a regular guest star in my fashion show but there are certain things that could and in fact should be left behind closed doors for the sanctity of everyone. “Most men like a little game, a little chase. They enjoy the thrill of not being exactly sure of how something will end. They like to be surprised, they like to be a little competitive. They enjoy a little thrill and a little mystery. They seek it out in their lives. Why would his relationship with you be any different” (7) Once you reveal your inner most rituals to a man, the mystery is gone, there is no intrigue because he knows exactly what you look like when you do it because you for some reason do it in front of him. Once a man told me his ex girlfriend enjoyed popping his backacne (Insert upchuck sound) DISGUSTING! There are so many beautifying products such as exfoiliants that this ritual churns my stomach. “The thing is, when you two came together into a relationship, he made alot of adjustments to accommodate what you wanted. They may not have been discussed, they may not have been visible. But if you think about it, he changed some of his old habits or ways so that you would feel comfortable (or so that he wouldn't get in trouble.) In much the same way, you should want to do little things for him. Unlike you, he probably can't articulate what it is that he wants. And it's really hard to tell someone to be more mysterious.” (8) I have also heard women argue “Well once you have kids....” they use this reasoning to justify the fact that they are implanted in the comfort zone and never coming out, they even pick out their husband’s wardrobe, wipe down the toilet after him and even in one case blew his nose like a baby! Let me tell you that just because you have children with your man does not mean somehow your man has morphed into one of your children, and just because you have had children does not mean you now have the right to wallow in your comfort zone for eternity. How incredibly emasculating for a man to be treated like a baby who needs to be tended to and how incredibly unsexy for a woman to baby her man. “Women find themselves mothering their husbands because of societal pressures to be the ultimate woman, says Pepper Schwartz, a sociology professor at the University of Washington in Seattle."We've been taught that the way to show love is to do for others,"(9) she says. And, according to Schwartz, some women believe that the more they nurture, the better a woman they are.” (10) Cut the umbilical cord! and let your man be a man and find a healthy way to be the woman in your relationship. If I walk into the bathroom, toilet seat up and piss on the floor and seat....ew....I would tell my partner firstly that his aim for a man of his age is highly questionable, and secondly that it would be great if he could clean up after himself. Men are completely capable of being tidy and clean, in fact if you baby them and take on the mother role you will lose major respect, sexual attraction and sense of self so be a partner to your man , a mother to your kids and a friend to your friends and keep the roles straight.
(11) Personally I do not know if the comfort zone will ever come with Mr. Elevator, unfortunately I jumped the gun on the talk. In fact I jumped the gun on two things, first it is my bday party this Saturday, a joint 80’s themed affair and I invited him to the club we are headed to as it seemed a bit odd to have a party and not invite him, but then that will involved introducing him to my friends and sister and in my earlier blog I intended this transition not to occur for another two to five months. So that freaks me out a bit but I also think that it is rude to invite coworkers and what not to the party and not him and it would be great to go out with him as he is a fun guy so that was the first jump because he accepted my invite. The second jump was that we had dinner on Sunday for my actual bday and I had some martini’s so my alter ego emerged Ms. Cosmo and decided to ask if he was dating anyone else his exact words were “I have not and I am not looking but I do not consider us exclusive” this irked me a bit. Isn’t not dating anyone else and not looking the definition of exclusive? So I texted him later asking him if this situation between us was just a fun fling or if he meant he wanted to see where things go. This is where I got the answer that I am truly use to hearing “I am not looking for anything serious” other answers have been “You are a really cool chick but I am not sure what I want right now” or “I like spending time with you but I do not want to commit to one person” For the past 12 years of my dating career this statement has haunted me and I will tell you why. It is like saying you are a great second place candidate but I am saving first place for someone else. And in every situation where these words have been spoken I have thought well that does not mean never, so I stick with it in the relationship limbo of unidentified lover in the hopes that I may one day be good enough to take on the girlfriend label, in some cases almost a year, and let me tell you they always end up the same in that they sleep with someone else. It is in the sex with someone else that ends it. So it was less encouraging to hear the words from my current flame as you can imagine but I am not going to paint a picture of the future with a brush stained from the past!! He also said that he has an eye on the future which is something these other men did not say so we are chatting tomorrow evening about all things relationship I guess, my most dreaded moment when there is a reckoning of events rendered and verdict on the outcome. To be honest I just want to see where things go, I am in no hurry to label or name call anything. It is really nice to just be with someone, but I am also now 31 and if I wanted to have a fun fling I would have just continued to peruse the 20 something isle at the dating department store. However, I am looking for something that may have a future with someone that treats me well, I have fun with and that is worth my time, it is sad to think could it be I may be back on this hiatus just as fast as I was off of it? Stay tuned next week! Thanks for reading XO
(11) The above pic is my next year bday cake I hope! References: 1) http://www.google.ca/search?q=pictures+of+men&hl=en&tbo=u&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-Address&rlz=1I7BBKB_enCA507&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=zobsUK7kNKr8igLL1YGoBw&ved=0CDMQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=838#hl=en&tbo=d&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca%3AIE-Address&rlz=1I7BBKB_enCA507&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=pictures+of+men+on+toilet&oq=pictures+of+men+on+toilet&gs_l=img.3...1348.5344.1.5467.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=e5916e9e14089ac5&biw=1280&bih=838 (2) “10 Reasons Why Saying I Love You Too Soon Sucks” LovePanky.com (3)http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=pictures+of+men+cleaning+ears&hl=en&tbo=d&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-Address&rlz=1I7BBKB_enCA507&biw=1280&bih=838&tbm=isch&tbnid=26igDYpt8ywD5M:&imgrefurl=http://us.fotolia.com/id/29554280&docid=dogN5Lgdi2hJGM&itg=1&imgurl=http://t1.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/29/55/42/400_F_29554280_O4pkkyBLoM54zj2y0KEhW93Hzj9hS21g.jpg&w=300&h=400&ei=MIfsUPOPO8LqiQLGlYCoCA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=370&sig=107452037521408045428&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=104&start=0&ndsp=35&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0,i:115&tx=51&ty=46 (4)“Think Peeing With The Door Open is Sexy?” Jenna Time Dirty and Thirty (5) “Peeing with the Door Open and Other Discouraged Dating Behaviours” Crazy Girl Nation (6) http://www.sodahead.com/fun/how-to-shower/question-2108653/?link=ibaf&q=pictures+of+men+shower&imgurl=http://www.happy-healthy-successful.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Man-taking-a-shower.jpg (7) “Maintain Your Mystery – Keep Him Guessing...and Interested.” Hub Pages (8)“Maintain Your Mystery – Keep Him Guessing...and Interested.” Hub Pages (9) “Do You Mommy Your Husband?” Sarah Jio CNN Living April 30th 2008 (10)“Do You Mommy Your Husband?” Sarah Jio CNN Living April 30th 2008 (11)http://www.google.ca/search?q=pictures+of+guys+in+diapers&hl=en&tbo=u&rlz=1R2BBKB_enCA507&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=uZXsUMykF4TAiwLJsoDQCA&ved=0CC8QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=838 http://www.sodahead.com/fun/birthday-party-for-gooky-party-time-please-stop-in-and-wish-gooky-a-very-happy-birthday/question-2854441/?page=3&link=ibaf&q=pictures+of+a+man+jumping+out+of+cake&imgurl=http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n75/irish_red/CakeCarlo1.jpg