Wednesday, 12 October 2016

To all the mothers out there!

A very important message to all my amazing friends who are mothers.  You are doing it right! The following are three truths I want you to know.

1) There is no right or wrong.  I have so many of my mother friends tell me time and time again not to tell anyone they have: potty trained with smarties, let their child watch the Jungle Book, let their child eat toast for dinner...etc.  As if their way of parenting is wrong.  Well it is 100 percent right!! You're finding your way to parenthood and your way is the right way for you.  There actually is no wrong way.

2) You are all scared. Time and time again my mother friends are afraid of judgement and for not being "fun" anymore.  You all need to know that each and everyone of you feels the same. Individually each of my mother friends has expressed the exact same fear. You're not alone.  We are all afraid and raising a person is scary work but you're doing an amazing job.

3)We are all different.  Some children sleep through the night while some refuse to sleep, some children eat peas while others hate green foods, some children poop in their diapers while others go on the front lawn and take all their clothes off to take a dump.  There is no reasoning to each individual child.  Therefore your parenting will be individualized.  Not one person has walked in your shoes so don't listen for one second to a person who thinks they can raise your little snow flake better than you.  You're doing the best job humanly possible.

And, I know I am childless and you may be sitting there not showered in two weeks thanking the universe for dry shampoo as you eat a sandwich in the shower for one moment of peace and quiet thinking I don't know anything.  You're right.  But what I do know is you're amazing.  You're doing it.  All I see is wonderwoman when I see you.  You're the only one who sees the baby weight and the spit up on your shirt.  Trust me you're the only one concerned about the faults you see in the mirror.  To me you're perfect.  Keep up the good work. 

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