Wednesday 20 January 2016

Your Rejection Cuts Me So Low

The R word.  Rejection.  Doesn't it cut like a knife? I know, I know, it is part of trying but let's face it.  It is the sh#ttiest part of trying.  After a series of "miscommunications" and disappointments with the opposite sex I decided this is ridiculous. And, I also am fully aware that I will not be everyone's cup of tea.  But! The following are three brutal patterns I have witnessed for myself and other women that most men appear to do in their rejection routine: 

1) They keep you hanging.  Rather than cut through the sh#t and say "Hey, you're great but you're just not great for me " they leave you with words like "I need to think..." Or even worse they blame you saying that you need time to figure out what you want, etc.  This leaves us with a pathetic glimmer of hope that most women cling on to.   It is so much better than the actualization that he is just not into you.  Wake up.  If he isn't moving mountains to see you then he isn't interested and you need to move on.

2) He says confusing things.  He tells you that you look good in a picture or dress and that he wants to get together but never asks you out and often ignores you.   (Insert dramatic eye roll).  I asked my male friends about this and they told me it is because these men don't really want to date you but they might want to sleep with you.  Fantastic.  Because who doesn't love having no idea how someone feels about you amongst the highs and lows of them ignoring you periodically.   Don't tolerate this kind of sh#t behavior from anyone.  If someone deserves to be in your life they should try just as hard as you constantly.

3) He does thoughtful things which you interpret as affection.  Sigh.  This is the toughest aspect to rejection.  I believe that men do this because they feel badly about not reciprocating your intentions so they want you to not have hurt feelings.  Awe so sweet right? Wrong! The hurt feelings only exist because they led you on because of whatever reason.  Stop letting men lead you on and start living your life not obsessing over men.

After my most recent brush with being ignored by a man I realized f#ck it.  Why should I waste any more time on men who aren't interested.  Life is actually pretty amazing without a man to be honest. No stress, no mess.  Thanks for reading. XO. 

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