Wednesday 4 May 2016

It. Is. Just. Facebook.

Recently I had a conversation with a good friend of mine about how people delete "friends" off Facebook. She was sensitive to this.  I also used to be sensitive until I realized these three things:

1) You are not actually friends.  Your deletor probably was cleaning their friend list up and thought "Hmmm, I haven't spoken to this person in a year." So they deleted you.  It was nothing personal.  Remember before social media when you had that friend at your grandma's place, she/he was a neighborhood kid.  You were friends for a week every summer and then your grandma moved.  You lost touch and are not friends.  That is NORMAL.  Social media has forced us to become friends with people we meet in a club bathroom and never speak to again.  Realistically a friend is someone you are friends with by the true meaning.

2) Facebook is an app nothing more, nothing less.  You can delete your account and you would still be pretty much the same person with friends and a family.  It. Is. Just. An. App. It does not define you.  It does not give you value. It is literally a lot of people pretending to be a lot happier than they are.  Don't let an icon with an 'F' on it be so definitive in your emotions.  When your deletor deleted you they probably felt this way and didn't think you would even notice or care. And, you shouldn't.

3) Alright, I know what some of you are thinking.   What if my deletor deleted me to be mean and because they didn't like me. GOOD! Good riddance. Would you rather have a phony friend or worse a dramatic friend making you feel poorly because you didn't fit into their box? No. No one would. Anyone who doesn't appreciate you doesn't deserve to be in your world. Let it go

It is always so interesting speaking to different people learning how far you have come and how much happier you are not to worry about others.  Your life is about you not them. 

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