Wednesday 6 July 2016

Never Give Up

Honestly, admist the pleasant dates exhaustion starts to set in.  Because in the wake of the heat of summer you begin to realize you would actually be on the beach or laughing with friends then putting effort in to dating.  You begin to think you should give up and see where fate takes you.  And, before you do here are three reasons why you have to keep driving.

1) Things do not come to those who wait.  I am not sure the lazy bum who coined the word destiny but they were definitely NOT living at their full potential.  Things come to those who try, who put their all into it.  Who ask for what they want and fail and get up and try again.  This is part of all facets of life, including romance.  Don't think destiny has a stupid plan for you and that Mr. Right is going to approach you on a given day soon.  He isn't and destiny is just an excuse to give up.

2) You are not getting any younger.  Recently I was having coffee with my friend.  She said she noticed men didn't look at her the way they used to.  She is married but she still noticed.  This got me thinking that, while yes the older you get the more defined your wants become, the older you get the less options there are.  In your 20's everyone and their dog was single, in college, at the bar, mixing and mingling and dating was a piece of cake.  Get out there now.   The older you get the less options there are and the more you put yourself out there the better your chances are.

3) There are good men out there.  For the love of Pete do NOT become a bitter old spinster who thinks all men are the worst.  All men are different.  While I don't believe in destiny I do believe there are one, or two, or three perfect men out there for me.  Just remember that the more you throw your net out into the dating pool the more successful you will be at finding a fish.

So I may need to give myself this pep talk because dating takes up time and my patience is wearing thin.  But, we all need a reminder to never give up on love!! Thanks for reading. XO

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