Wednesday 21 September 2016

Honeymoon Over

Recently a friend suggested to me I only wanted to date men while it was fun and that I did not truly want a relationship.  Which got me to thinking.  Is that true? Do I long for the honeymoon but the moment the hue from the rose dulls I lose interest? Am I hooked on the first rush of possible love? All this will be answered in time but I can tell you three lame facts about the end of the honeymoon period.

1) Words are empty air.  Ah, love.  That first warm fuzzy week when he promises you he wants to lose that unsightly beer belly and eat healthy, where he says you inspire him to quit smoking and ride that new pedal bike ten kms a day. And, those shelves you need tools to deal with? Well, you bet he will be your shinning night with tools in armour to help you!! Fast forward to almost two months later and nothing has changed...he still smokes like a chimney, has rode that bike once and the icing on the cake? He literally binge ate himself sick (healthy eating after all) on the night he was supposedly going to help you with those tools of his.  And, this is one of the first times in my life where I admit I was falling for the representation of a man not the reality of Mr. Darcy.  The honeymoon is so full of promise, but sadly those promises are just words.  Don't fall for it, wait it out to see his true colors.

2) Hello? Is this thing on? (Taps microphone).  Gone are the days where he listens.  Sadly you realise he was actually only selectively listening.  I seriously attempted to open a conversation about matter 1 above thinking communication could repair the emptiness.  But, in exchange I was told I was paranoid and dramatic and that no conversation would be had.  And, while I am sure there is a sea of women who would love to be ignored and put down I am not part of that sea.  I deserve someone who can talk about anything under the sun with confidence.  Never settle for someone who refuses to hear you.

3) Not compatible.  In the beginning we are so willing to try new things and be open minded.  Love is blind.  But gradually reality sets in and you remember what you like and what you don't like and what turns you on and quite frankly what you are one hundred percent not interested in ever experiencing.   The truth is at the end of the day it is all about finding someone who is on your same page.  And, I am not getting into the sexual suggestions that led me to this revelation but I will tell you I am happy to be single again.

And, maybe it is me.  Maybe I love the honeymoon.  The being wooed.  The rush of the fall.  And, if it is, so be it.  I would rather be incredibly happy with my single self than disillusioned and miserable with the wrong person.
Thanks for reading!! XO

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