Wednesday 9 March 2016

In the dog house

It is right around the time you think you can back track and repair the damage of your rejection with the Boxer that he will remind you men are not toys.  So here I sit in the metaphorical dog house trying to bail myself out and get some of that gorgeous man's attention again.  The following are three ways to get yourself out of the dog house:

1) Apologize.  Apologize. Apologize.  The truth is I was the dick.  I told him we weren't compatible because I had the Pilot on my mind but more so because I wanted more excitement! The Boxer while young and sweet is not wild.  So I had to apologize.  And apologize I did.  Be prepared for your apology to not go very far! Be prepared to be told off.  I have bruised a man's ego and I knew that if I tried to back track the consequences would be messy.  But, the truth I missed the way he made me feel. I missed his smile, innocence, the way he made me feel special.

2) Do something nice.  Sugar and spice. So here I am trying to juggle my social calendar and fit in an expensive dinner (my treat) for the Boxer and I have the dress mentally planned and know a small gift may have to be in the mix.  Repairing the damage doesn't come cheap when you made a stupid choice over a stupid Pilot for a stupid outcome. But, don't beat yourself up too much!! With the right amount of effort almost all mistakes can be fixed.  Bad boys that are wrong for you can be distracting from the person who actually deserves your time.

3) Put in the time and effort. Damn these mistakes are costly.  Text him in the am something cute.  Try and remind him all that you are and that you are worth a second shot.  The truth if he is slowly talking to you it means he is considering forgiving you and that you still have a chance.  Put a little elbow grease on this.  Put a little extra effort.  Send him the picture of his favorite pizza with a message that you saw it and would love to grab a slice with him, send him a text to say good night.  It is okay to try a little, you are the one who needs to put the effort in.

Jury is still out on whether or not these tips will help me.  So send me a little luck cause I can use it.  I don't always make good life choices but at least I am smart enough to admit when I f#cked up and fight to fix my idiocy.  Thanks for reading! XO

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