Wednesday 15 June 2016

Kissing Frogs

Alright so in the name of a good title I over romanticized.  No kissing has transpired in my life for months.  But I have been on a few dates and it made me realize there are so many frogs to sift through to find a good prince. The following are three frog qualities that I want to share.

1) Passive Aggressive. I recently was chatting with this guy.  Rather than ask me out he said "Too bad you live far away" (Ya, 20 minute car ride is super far). I don't understand this approach.  If you want to meet up ask.  Ask me to get together. Don't tell me it is too bad I am not your neighbor.  Later I told him he was not my type.  He asked why and I brought this up.  He said he would have wanted to go for a walk if I was close.  Siiiiiiiigh.  Just ask.  Ask to get together.  Everything else is just games.

2) Little to no Effort.  So I have gone over this time and time again and cannot state it enough.  Two men asked me out to their neighborhood eateries.  One went on to tell me he had anxiety and couldn't leave his comfort zone (FYI I am not your therapist don't TMI me while trying to ask me out). While the other doesn't have a car. I am not ever going to put 100 percent of the effort in.  But, I also turned a corner. Where I used to think that a man should pick you up.  I am more open to meeting half way for good food.

3) You don't own me. Don't put words in my mouth and assume you know best ever.  I have my own brain and my own abilities. Don't talk down to me like a know it all and never patronise me.  I mean really.  The kind of man who refuses to hear others opinions and forces their ideas on others is tragic.  If you are pretending to listen just to interject your opinion and therefore are not listening at all then keep on keeping on.  Ask me questions, listen and let's have a healthy conversation.

So many frogs.  So little time.  I am following Ms. M's advice and wrote a list of qualities I would appreciate in a man.  It is on the fridge. The dates themselves have been nice but the frogs themselves aren't winning any kisses.  Thankfully I fell in love with single life and so it isn't so bad. Thanks for reading! XO

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