Wednesday 6 April 2016

You should stay or you should GO

After numerous conversations with men I am writing this post for me and my numerous fabulous single girlfriends to ask any man that is interested to man up or f#ck off.  I am so over the grey zone b.s. and frankly worth more than half-assery.

 Please take the following three tips.
1) Time and time again I have many, many, many...etc.  text messages and pms from all kinds of men and they blather on and on about themselves.  There isn't even one shred of interest in the women they speak to.  They talk about THEIR day, THEIR weekend plans, THEIR work week.  Blah, blah, blah.  If you are truly interested in a woman don't reach out and treat her like a free therapist.  Ask her about herself.  The truth is, if you were and are actually interested you would be asking about her and if you are not stop wasting her time.

2) Stop beating the bush to death.  It is super fantastic when a guy tells you he wants to get together, and asks you to get together "sometime" and tells you he would love to try a new restaurant with you but then never puts one second of effort in to actually asking you out.  The idea is tossed around time and time again like an illusion with zero action. Here is the deal.  Either ask her.  Make the reservation.  And go...or f#ck off.

3) Stop flip flopping.  Perhaps Katy Perry was really into something with her hot and cold song.  Dear Men, stop floundering.  And, I know I hear that he flounders because he has other options and isn't sure.  Well, isn't that just grand ladies?? The reason he texts you sporadically and has half a$$ed effort is because he has other women on the go.  And, this is supposed to make us feel better.  Cut those players lose.  If your not number one and he is bouncing to and fro in your life like a yo-yo. Cut that useless string.

Reality is you are an amazing, gorgeous, badass woman.  The right man will realize this.  The wrong losers will treat you in the ways described above.  Men either step it up and stay or literally go...far away...and never....ever....ever come back. Thanks!!

1 comment:

  1. If you'd like an alternative to casually dating girls and trying to find out the right thing to say...

    If you would rather have women pick YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in filthy bars and night clubs...

    Then I encourage you to view this eye-opening video to unveil a strong little secret that might get you your very own harem of hot women:

